Wife Suddenly Wants Anal!

For more details on partners who want anal sex, introducing partners to anal only, and all things relating to anal and the anal only lifestyle, visit our Anal Sex Advice & Guide to the Anal Only Lifestyle page!

It’s a fairly common scenario for one partner in a relationship to be taken aback by a sudden sexual change in the other partner, and when that change is a sudden desire for anal sex or to go anal only, it can take some getting used to the idea.

My wife is 39 and weve been together for nearly 20yrs. She’s always said she’d never let me do her arse. Now suddenly she says she wants it! Anyone got any ideas as to why her sudden change of mind?

And later he explains further:

We watch porn together, she likes it but ive had to find stuff without anal because shes always said its something she would never do and it doesnt turn her on! Now it seems shes suddenly changed her mind!

To my mind this is a woman who is protesting too much. By bringing up the subject she’s trying to get him to say how he feels about anal sex. Perhaps it has been a fantasy of hers for many years, yet each has lacked the courage to speak up. As ever, communication is the key to happy and successful anal sex.

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