Message: Wife Training Her Ass While I’m Away From Home

Anonymous: I am currently away from home in Afghanistan. I was trying to get my wife to train her ass for me when I get home. She said she tried for a while with plugs and vibes but they made her feel like she was going to have a bowel movement and she felt like she would not be able to control herself. Is this common? What should I tell her to do because I really would love to get a slice of that bootay when I get home.

That’s not uncommon when starting out. If you’ve gone all your life only using your ass for one function, it’s not surprising that when you first start to use it for other purposes, your brain still interprets the sensations of something in the rectum as if they are signaling the need to go to the bathroom.

Fortunately, it’s not too hard to get past this. First, she should always go to the bathroom first and make sure she is empty and doesn’t actually need to go. Armed with that knowledge, she should insert a lubricated toy (not enough lube can sometimes trigger the feeling of needing to use the restroom as well) while playing with her pussy and clit by her preferred methods. It’s very important to combine known sources of pleasure with the anal penetration to help untrain the sensations of anal only meaning a need to go to the bathroom and to start interpreting them as another source of pleasure. She should definitely try to orgasm as often as possible while she has something in her ass—even if it’s just a finger. Anal really can amplify the pleasure of orgasms.

It’s also not uncommon for things to start getting uncomfortable after a short while when starting out. She should only keep plugs in for as long as they are comfortable, even if that’s just a minute or two at first. Then she should try again later and see if she can go a little bit longer, and repeat as she continues to get more used to the feelings and starts to get pleasure from them.

So, to sum up: always use lube, always play with pussy/clit during any any penetration—at least while getting started—and work at it incrementally only for as long as it’s not uncomfortable/painful.

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