The Commitment of Anal Only

Anonymous: What’s your take on going “ANAL ONLY”. Would you do it? would you recommend it? I’ve been considering it.

mysexualhaven: Hmm, it’s such a commitment.

Alright, if you asked me about a month ago, I would’ve said yes without hesitation. I have been having regular Anal sex since May this year, and the more I had it, the more I wanted it. By early August, I was having it every chance I had, and if my boyfriend or I were away (either me traveling or him), I would play with my toys. Back then, I was considering Anal only.

BUT, I am sure you are aware, I was down in the dumps for a little over a month, during that time, my libido was practically gone, if I did have sex, it would almost always be a quickie and Anal was the last thing I wanted. Even now, I am getting a bit of anal hunger back and playing with toys, but I still haven’t had anal sex. I am getting there though. It’s a process and it has to feel right. It’s also very psychological.

Having been through this, I honestly don’t see myself going Anal only. You can’t account for your moods and feelings, and let’s face it, there are days, when you don’t even want to be touched. Let alone have someone fucking your ass.

Keep in mind, that everyone is different. These are just my views and feelings. There are a lot of girls who are practicing anal only, and a little part of me wants it, but the realistic part of me almost always wins. Check out this account and read some of the questions. This guy has discussed Anal only on his blog and has some great advice. @analsexonly

I hope you find your resolution. Do let me know if you ever decide to do it. I’d be interested to share it here with everyone.

Good luck xo

PS: sorry it took me forever to answer this

I generally encourage anyone who enjoys anal to try going anal only for at least a month, just to see what it’s like for themselves. But not everyone wants to go anal only, even if they love anal. That’s fine. If you like the idea, give it a try. If you don’t, don’t. If you are anal only for a while and love it but then want to stop, do so. If you try it and it feels exactly right and you want to stay that way forever, great. It really shouldn’t feel like a commitment, it should be something fun that you do because it’s what you want to do and because it’s rewarding to you.

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