Message: Anal Only, But Boyfriend Too Eager
assalena: We have been AO for months, but I still struggle with the stretching, it hurts. I think the problem may be solved with more and better foreplay, but my bf still doesn’t get how to turn me on, he is also rather clumsy and too eager. What can I do?
Foreplay can definitely help—fingering your ass while playing with your clit to relax and gradually open it up, adding a finger every couple minutes. But you can also make things a lot easier by wearing a butt plug regularly for general practice as well as for 15 to 30 minutes before sex to help relaxing and loosening things.
Definitely talk to him and explain what you need. While there are things you can do, communication is key and making sure he understands what you need and how to help you enjoy it better will go a long way to making the experience much better for the both of you.