Month: October 2016

Message: How Does It Make You Feel Knowing A Lot Of Girls Don’t Do Anal?

Anonymous: How does it make you feel knowing that a lot of girls still won’t do anal?

Sad that they’re missing out on something amazing. That’s partly why I do my part to correct the common negative portrayal of it as something degrading, painful, and done only for men to enjoy.

The fact is, there are a lot of women who do love anal and get a lot of pleasure from it. In my experience, most who won’t do it have either had bad experiences with it in the past thanks to partners who didn’t know what they were doing, or heard stories of such. So education and widely available information on how to enjoy it and try it at their own pace can be very beneficial to encourage more people to try it.

Message: This is an Evil Thing You’re Promoting, Pure Evil

Anonymous: You are trying to make sodomy look like a great thing when it’s really an abuse towards women… this is an evil thing what you’re promoting, pure evil, but… why do you promote this?

What makes you think anal sex is abusive towards women or evil? Forcing it, or any other sort of sex, on someone would be abusive and evil, but you seem to fail to recognize the fact that this isn’t just something only men want—many women really like anal sex too and get a lot of pleasure from it—often with more powerful orgasms than from vaginal. I fear you are grossly misinformed.

The original version of this post on Tumblr received the following responses.

sa8216: Women have 3 times the nerve ending in their ass as the do their vagina. If you have a good partner that knows how to make you feel comfortable it can be an amazing orgasm. I have converted a few girlfriends that turned out to love it once they realized i wasn’t going to rush anything

phoenixandy: Towards women? Errr hello, how do you think gay guys have sex?

hiroshi-tea: Wow, what got up anon’s asshole?

pinklioness7: Someone needs to get laid….

Message: Trying to Get My Boyfriend to Fuck My Ass

Anonymous: I’ve been trying to get my bf to fuck my ass. I want his dick in my ass so bad, and he says he wants to try it but never will. He always has some excuse or says idk how anything could be better than vaginal. I don’t want to give up on us having anal but I feel like its my only option

I can’t speak for him, but he might have one of several hangups keeping him from trying it—concern it might hurt you or a misconception that you only want to do it for him, worrying about the cleanliness of it, the silly misconception some guys suffer from that anal with a girl might “make him gay”, or just a general fear of the unknown.

If you haven’t already, start masturbating anally more regularly to prepare yourself and get more familiar and experienced with anal stimulation and penetration. Get a nice butt plug if you don’t have one and wear it sometimes, maybe even when you have sex with him—whether you leave it in during vaginal or just during foreplay/oral. Let him see that you want it and really enjoy it for yourself.

And then, most importantly, keep talking with him. Express your desires, tell him you really want to share this with him. If he has any hesitations, figure them out together and try to work through them. Ultimately, if he isn’t actually interested in anal, it might never happen with him, but it sounds like he is interested and something else is just getting in the way for him.

If all else fails, you can always bend over in front of him with a plug in your ass, pull it out, and tell him to put his dick in your butt.