Anal Only For a Little While
violentdelights-violentends: Yesterday, Sir and I decided I will be anal only for at least a little while. Only makes sense, since we’re trying to work up to him fisting my ass. RIP my cunt.
violentdelights-violentends: Yesterday, Sir and I decided I will be anal only for at least a little while. Only makes sense, since we’re trying to work up to him fisting my ass. RIP my cunt.
Anonymous: Hello everyone, i’m a MILF and i want to share with you my anal experimental. i was really afraid of doing it until one day i asked my colleague at work to have anal with me, my asshole at that time was very tight but with his patience we made it, i felt his cock inside my ass, yes i felt litle pain at first but when he kept pushing i was relaxed and enjoyed it, now it’s been almost 7 years, my husband now fucks me in the ass like a pornstar, cum inside my ass a lot and he truely love for that.
That’s great, I’m glad you overcame your fear and decided to try it for real, discovering how wonderful it can really be to have anal sex. Have you tried going anal only?
Anonymous: Hey, my name is Sarah, i’m 24 years old and i’m a big fan if this blog. The thing is, i’m still a virgin and i’m okay with that because i and my boyfriend do anal a lot (7 to 9 per week) . i do anal for 2 years now with him and i’m strangely comfortable with it. i just wanna ask you guys one thing, for the last year my boyfreind cum inside my ass always.. is that a normal thing or i should stop him for doing that ? thank you 🙂
I would say that it’s very normal for a man to cum inside a woman’s ass. It feels good, it’s good for you, and it’s a natural and normal place to do so. If you like it too, yourself, there’s no reason to stop, really. There have even been some studies suggesting that it’s really beneficial to do it!
Enjoy, and keep on being anal only!
Anonymous: Hi, may I ask, does anal feel as pleasurable for the woman as vaginal? Can she still have an orgasm as great? Thank you!!
Everybody is different, and there are always outliers, but it’s generally agreed by many who enjoy anal that anal orgasms are the most pleasurable there are. Not everyone is able to easily have pure anal orgasms (though many seem able to learn to achieve them over time and with practice), but clit + anal orgasms are still usually more intense and pleasurable than clit or clit + vaginal.
Anonymous: Since a young age, I’ve never really been interested in the idea of vaginal, but its only more recently where I’ve tried anal training. I usually have to play with my clit but today was the first day I was able to off anal only! My goal is to get to the equivalent of double anal, but I really only have access to my fingers and small sample bottles, so someday!
Congratulations! That’s awesome, keep it up until you can orgasm from anal only every time and you won’t need to rely on your clit at all anymore.
Given what you say about not being interested in vaginal, are you otherwise anal only?
Just keep working on slowly increasing the size you play with, gradually going up over time as you get comfortable with each size, and you’ll get to where you can take double anal if that’s your goal. Fingers and bottles if that’s all you have for now, maybe some proper toys or trusted partners as you’re able to. Enjoy!