Message: Diarrhea After Anal Sex

Anonymous: Anon about upset stomach. Diarrhea after anal sex, it may be due latex condom but in vaginal sex I never had problems…

That could be a latex sensitivity, or could be a reaction to the lube. As @slutprogrammer noted in his response to your original question, an adverse reaction to glycerin in lube can manifest that way for some people. Try an alternate glycerin-free lube and see if it helps.

Are you giving yourself an enema first? Sometimes people are a bit overzealous with their anal douching/enemas and go too far to the point that they’re getting water past the rectum into the colon but without fully cleaning out the colon, and the water “activates” the digestive system a bit and by the time you’re having sex, or shortly after, it can cause a mess. So take care to avoid that, and just do a light rectal flush at most unless you want to do a deep clean for deep anal play.

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