Month: February 2018

Message: The Process of Reducing Clit Stimulation

reguara: And in that case, how many hours is a good starting point towards no clit stimulation – not sure if I will reach zero =)

Start by approximating how much time you spend per week touching your clit at present, and reduce that an amount you feel comfortable with for your initial baseline.

If you find it easy with that new reduced amount, reduce it further. If it’s a struggle, stay at that level until it becomes easy before reducing the amount again.

Message: Given Amount of Clit Stimulation Per Week?

reguara: do you think that is better than using a given amount of time of clit stimulation per week, regardeless of the day?

Not necessarily, it’s just one possible approach. Giving yourself a particular amount of time per week could work as well as long as it tapers off with time and still moves you towards weaning yourself off of a clit stimulation habit.

Message: How Many Hours Per Week of Clit Stimulation?

reguara: How many hours/week of clit stimulation would you find aceptable?

If your intent is to move away from clit stimulation towards just anal, then 0 clit stimulation seems like it should be the goal. But if you struggle with that at present, a gradual transition might work for you.

Perhaps start with it every other day only, then every 2 days, then ever 3 days, etc. until you can only do it one day a week, then work to phase out even that. At a certain point, you may start to not want to do it on the allowed days anyway.

Message: Haven’t Been Able to Find a Girl That Loves Anal

betterroughthansoft: I love your blog i feel like I been lost my whole life because I haven’t been able to find a girl that loves anal as much as some girls describe here

Luckily, the world is a big place and everybody’s got different preferences. Some people love anal more than anything, others don’t, and plenty more might not yet even know just how good it can be if done right or with the right partner.

Message: My Dick Is Too Big For Anal With Her

115753: My girl friend says my dick is to big to have anal sex and hurts her. How can I change that?

Focus on anal play and training with her for a while instead, if she’s willing. Rim her, massage and finger her ass while eating/rubbing her pussy, get her a butt plug or two, work up over time to a dildo a little smaller than you, etc. If you ease up in size gradually, any reasonable size can be comfortably fit anally with enough practice and patience.

I’d suggest reading through the Anal Advice category for more detailed specifics.

Message: How to Start Anal Training With Butt Plugs

vampgurl86: So Friday I will be receiving my training plugs. I love anal and some how have not ever had a set. I was curious should I start out just masturbating with them or wearing them at night or all day.

It depends somewhat on what your goal is. Masturbating with them in is a good easy way to get started and get comfortable with them. If you want to use them as training plugs, also try wearing them at times outside of masturbation and see how long you can keep them in. If a smaller size poses no challenge, or stops posing a challenge after wearing it a while, go to the next size for training purposes and repeat until you reach the largest one. I would start doing this during the daytime and in controlled private situations, and ease into doing it overnight or during day to day activities in public once you know you’re comfortable with them long-term at home.

Message: No More Pussy From Now On

Anonymous: Okay, thank you, you’re right, I do really want it and your reply set me straight about that. Vaginal has never been very good for me and always leaves me unsatisfied but anal is perfect. So that’s why I’ve wanted to go anal only, it was just the things you talked about that were holding me back. I’m going to start today, no more pussy from now on! Thanks for the help.

You’re welcome. I thought that might be the case, that you were very nearly there and it was just a slight fear of the unknown holding you back. But there’s really no reason at all not to go anal only if you want to do it. Try it for a few months, see how you like it, and then reassess. If you’re still having a blast (you probably will be), then keep going. If not, then decide if you need to adjust something as part of your anal only routine or if you want to change it.

Have fun! Being anal only is amazing.

Message: Giving Up Vagina Scary But Freeing

Anonymous: I think I want to go anal only but it’s hard to make the decision. As women we’re taught that our vagina is such an important part of ourselves and it really seems like life as a woman centers around it in so many ways. So the idea of giving it up is scary but at the same time really freeing. What are your thoughts, and do you have any tips?

I’m glad to hear that you’re seriously considering going anal only. Naturally, I encourage it.

As you note, society remains very vagina-centric and women are often raised with the idea that their vagina is something very precious and central to their femininity—and it is. Women have the ability to get pregnant and give birth to children, and that is something that’s part of being a woman for many. But that doesn’t mean that it has to define who you are—a woman is so much more than her vagina.

The anal only lifestyle doesn’t treat the vagina as if it doesn’t exist, it acknowledges its important role for reproduction, but also recognizes that reproductive sex is a vastly minimal part of the sex lives of most people. As such, vaginal is best kept for what it does best: reproduction, while anal and oral can be enjoyed for what they’re best at: everything else.

So it isn’t about abandoning part of yourself or becoming “less of a woman”, it’s about choosing to have sex in a way that feels better for everyone involved, separating sex from reproduction and focusing purely on pleasure, and so much more.

You obviously want to do it—just make the commitment and decide to be anal only going forward. You won’t regret it.

Message: Anal Plugs Uncomfortable In Everyday Life

Anonymous: so i’m slowly taking steps to having more anal (might try anal only, but that’s a ways down the road). my issue is while i like plugs while masturbating or having sex, i simply can’t get used to wearing them in everyday life. i try to put one in and get dressed to go to the store, and it gets so uncomfortable (not hurting, but not a good feeling) that i have to take it out before i leave the house. is there anything i can try to help this?

That’s a normal part of the process for some people, and the best way to deal with it is to wear your plug regularly, but in controlled environments like at home, up until the point where it becomes uncomfortable. Then take it out until you’re ready to put it back in again. (If you’re ready to keep doing it right away, try just taking it out for a little while and putting back in again, otherwise wait a bit longer.) Next time, try to go a little bit longer than before. If you’re comfortable doing so, push your limits a little past the point of slight discomfort, but not into pain.

As you keep doing this, you’ll start relaxing more and learning to have something comfortably in your ass without discomfort. It’s not uncommon for people to start out with a plug becoming uncomfortable after 15 to 20 minutes if they already have a little anal experience, and sometimes less. But with practice you can easily get to where it will be comfortable going out in public with it in, wearing it all night, or even 24/7.

Another factor can be the plug material and the type of/how much lube you’re using. Silicone plugs are softer and less rigid, but have a bit more surface friction that can cause an uncomfortable feeling if you don’t have enough lube or it dries out. Glass and steel plugs are harder and smoother and can get by with less lube.

Hope that helps!

Message: Vaginismus and Anal Only

Anonymous: Recently i discovered i have vaginismus, which is a condition that affects a woman’s ability to engage in vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, manual penetration, etc. Because the muscles tighten up it also causes great pain. I was feeling depressed for a while until i dicovered that like other women, i can orgasm from anal. That was literally the worst to best day in my life lmao. Anal is underated af, all women should try it tbh

More than a few women have gone anal only as a result of vaginismus limiting or preventing their ability to enjoy vaginal sex, and found anal to be a wonderful outlet for intimacy and sexual pleasure.

It’s great that you’ve been able to discover the bright side of this situation: you get to have lots of anal sex and have great orgasms from it instead!

There are a few discussions on the Anal Only Lifestyle forum about vaginismus and anal only: