Message: No Pussy November For Our Honeymoon
Anonymous: My fiance and I decided we’re going to do No Pussy November, but with a twist! We’re getting married on November 1st so our wedding night and our honeymoon and the rest of the month that follows is going to be anal only. We both really love anal and already do it most of the time, so I think it will make it even more special.
What a great idea and coincidence for it to work out that way! I’m sure, like you say, it will make your wedding night and honeymoon even more special by adding an anal only pledge to it.
I hope that by the end of No Pussy November you’ll consider making it a long-term commitment and decide to keep it an anal only marriage rather than just a way to start things off for the first month. If you both prefer anal already, and are excited by the idea of going anal only to the point of wanting to begin your marriage that way, why not keep it going so long as you’re both enjoying it by the end of the month? Outside of getting pregnant, just keep things anal only.
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