Month: January 2019

Message: Cleaning Every Time I Go to the Bathroom

Anonymous: I went anal only over a year ago after finding your blogs on Tumblr and I just love it. I’m a committed anal only girl now who’s totally sold on the idea and using my pussy again doesn’t interest me at all. But I wanted to share some advice for other girls doing anal sex and going anal only, because I used to worry a lot about cleanliness, and doing an enema before each time kinda got in the way of spontaneous sex.

So what I do now is I keep an enema bulb in my bathroom and whenever I use the toilet, I just wash it out after I’m done with some warm water and then I’m good for the rest of the day. It helps that I have regular digestion so I only need to do this once a day and I’m always clean and ready for sex otherwise. I can have anal all I want and do ass to mouth (which I love ?) without worry. It really helped take care of one of the things that kept me from going anal only before and has made all the difference for me so I really suggest it to others!

That’s a great piece of advice, thank you for sharing, and thanks for sharing your story as well. I’m glad my blogs helped inspire you to try going anal only for yourself and discover just how great it is!

I’ve heard of other women doing similar things with a daily enema/anal douche/rectal flush after going to the bathroom as a regular part of their bathroom routine, and it seems to really work for people so long as you use just a small amount of water and don’t go too deep with your enema. (For more information on good/safe enema practices, see our page on anal hygiene in our new guide to anal sex and the anal only lifestyle.) Some will go so far as to attach an enema hose to their shower head or get a bidet for their toilet (which helps with hygiene on its own) that has an enema attachment.

Discussion: How Common Is It For Women to Only Orgasm From Anal?

That’s the question asked by user on Quora, and while they get a few uninformed answers (some of which have since been removed), the majority of the responses are very positive and accurate.

Plain penetration of the vagina by the penis does not do it for most women. They either need additional stimulation of the clitoris, or a special alignment of the penis so it presses directly on the clitoris. Or alternatively, forget the clitoris and concentrate on the g-spot.

On the other hand, a very high percentage of women orgasm regularly during anal. Not sure why, but for deep throbbing orgasms, anal is the way to go!

This is absolutely the case. More women report being able to orgasm from just anal than vaginal, and those same women often can’t orgasm from vaginal on its own. Not everyone can orgasm from anal on its own, at least without more practice or training, but anal is certainly the way to go if you want more pleasure, whether with or without clitoral stimulation.

It is actually more likely for a woman to orgasm through anal penetration than vaginal penetration, hence why most women who don’t engage in anal can only achieve orgasm through being eaten out or fingered. There are more nerve endings in the anus than the vagina and it’s typically easier to reach the g-spot through the anus. Most of the women I’ve been with prefer anal sex for that reason. Pity that more women don’t engage in anal, due to the taboo that has been placed on it plus the semi-misconception that the anus is “exit only.”

The more women experience anal for themselves, on their own terms, and discover the pleasures that it can provide them, the more women are going to vastly prefer anal to vaginal and come to recognize vaginal sex as the pale imitation of pleasure and intimacy that it is in comparison.

Continue reading on Quora

Message: She Agreed to Try Anal Only!

Lucky: I want to share this with you because I am very excited! I suggested to my wife that we went only anal for a few months as you say, she agreed! She didn’t even hesitate or question, she just said it doesn’t matter, it sounds interesting. We start from the first day of the year, at least until April.

Congratulations! I’m guessing you both already enjoy anal together for her to agree so quickly to the idea, and that also suggests that she likes anal a lot or even prefers it. Going anal only may have been something she was already interested in, even.

Anal Only April begins April 1, so you should probably at least go until that’s over. But, if you’re still doing anal only together after three months, there’s a good chance that you aren’t going back to vaginal anyway and will be staying with anal only for good.

Article: Why Men Are Obsessed With Anal

Some guys are boobs men. Others are legs men. But in the bedroom, all are bum men. I do not know a heterosexual woman alive who has not, at some point, experienced a partner trying to use her backdoor instead of the front. There are the curious gents, gently investigating if the key fits. Others are as unsubtle as the pile of junk mail flyers that stumbles through your letterbox every week. But the male goal is the same: they want in.

This isn’t universally true. Not all men are remotely interested in anal, as discovered by some of the female members of the anal only community as they meet resistance from potential new partners. As with all things, some men and some women love it, some like it, and some want nothing to do with it. Most of those who want nothing to do with it have either only had one or two bad experiences, or haven’t tried it at all.

Interest in anal certainly is on the rise, however, for men and women both.

Only, why do they? And why don’t we? I know plenty of women who’ve tried anal play, but I don’t know a single one who initiated it – or who’d admit to it without that other essential lubricant, wine.

Plenty of women do want anal, and do initiate it. Many don’t admit to it because of continuing stigmas and attitudes surrounding it and fear of being judged negatively by their peers for making that admission, because sex negativity and slut shaming remain big factors that keep people from being open and positive about sex and their enjoyment of it. But even this is slowly changing for the better, and people are becoming more open about sexual topics and sex positivity. The more people talk with their friends about enjoying anal or being anal only, the more some of that stigma can be combated and others can feel safe opening up as well, and trying anal for themselves if they haven’t already.

“It’s all that internet porn men are watching,” I hear you cry – and, yes, true. Over the last six years, PornHub has reported a 78% increase in the number of searches for anal clips.

Porn can have some influence by exposing people to a wider range of sex acts and making them curious about trying it for themselves, but it doesn’t determine your preferences. A lot of people—again, men and women both, because women love porn just as much as men do, they just don’t admit to it as openly for the same reasons as above—are watching more anal porn because anal is what they enjoy, what gets them off, and what they prefer watching.

From here, the article really goes off the rails.

At its most basic, men crave novelty more than women

“If a woman finds something that she likes sexually, she usually wants that repeated again and again. Whereas men seem to need different stimuli to stay engaged. The anus and anal sex is more taboo than vaginal sex; it’s perceived as ‘dirty’. If a woman is open to it, it implies that your sex life is ‘dirtier’, too.” And ‘dirty’ is a label that novelty-addicted guys crave – not fear.

Novelty and taboo might make people curious about trying it in the first place, but that’s not what a long-lasting interest in or preference for anal will be based on. One might come for the novelty, but stay for all the other benefits of anal.

Anal sex avoids intimacy – cue the commitment-phobes

“The most common position in anal sex is for the woman to be bent over, with the man on top or over her, looking at her back. For men, a sense of power and domination comes with that. There’s also no real connection: there’s no face-to-face interaction, no eye contact, it avoids intimacy and is not seen as a ‘relationship experience’. In our culture, men’s emotions are more supressed than women’s. So men might find anal sex more comfortable because of the lack of intimacy, while women might find it less satisfying because of the same thing.”

I don’t even know where to begin with this absurdity.

First of all, this sounds more like a critique of the doggy style position, which is commonly used for both vaginal and anal sex, and has no specific connection to anal. Anal can be, and is, done in a wide variety of positions.

Secondly, anal sex can be one of the most intimate forms of sex possible. It all depends on context, as with anything else. If you’re in a close relationship with someone, anal sex is the using and sharing of one partner’s most private and intimate part of their body for sex, and the trust and care involved, combined with the increased shared pleasure, makes it incredibly intimate. In fact, talking to women who regularly engage in anal sex with their partner, or who are anal only, the intimacy of it is one of the things most commonly cited as a reason they love it so much.

Men are secretly fascinated by their own bums

“There’s a deep psychological thing for guys because their anus is the source of enormous pleasure for them, with the prostate located there (in the rectum). Men may not have experimented with that, but in their psyche they’ll know that part of the body is capable of giving great pleasure. Because of lingering homophobia in our culture – even though homosexuality is normalised, good and healthy – there’s still this internalised idea, “If I enjoy having something up my arse that means I’m gay, and I am not gay.” So men displace their own desires to experience pleasure in that part of the body, and put them onto women.” So there’s an ulterior – well, posterior – motive, after all.

This one does at least touch on some legitimate issues with myths surrounding anal pleasure and the association of anal with homosexuality in combination with homophobia, but it draws an absurd conclusion from it by claiming that men who secretly want to play with their own asses are suppressing that desire and expressing it through anal sex with women instead, which is just so utterly stupid I can’t believe I just read it.

Guess what: men want to have anal sex with women because they enjoy anal sex with women. It feels great for men, and done right can feel better than any other form of sex for women as well. It can give some of the most intense and explosive orgasms for a woman, and men like their partners to enjoy sex as much as they do. It’s intimate, it’s passionate, it’s sexy, and it’s just an all around good time. Some men also like receiving anal pleasure, and there’s nothing wrong with that either. Anal pleasure can and should be enjoyed by anyone who wants it, without any judgement.

The above is more or less the entire article, since there was so much to respond to, but you can, as always, continue reading at Glamour.

Message: When’s the Next Anal Only Challenge?

Anonymous: When is the next anal only challenge you’re going to do? I want to try going anal only with my gf but I think she would be more willing to try it if we were doing it along with a lot of other people.

We now officially do Anal Only April and No Pussy November each year, both of which run for the entire month.

Anal only challenges can be done at any time on your own, but as you say, some people find comfort in doing them alongside a larger group of people, so waiting until April could be your best bet in that scenario. If she does show interest in doing it sooner, though, you can always suggest trying it on your own anyway.

Discussion: Is It Normal That I Want to Stay a Vaginal Virgin and Do Anal Only?

I’m 20 and I haven’t ever had vaginal sex, but I do anal all the time and I love how it feels so much. I masturbated my ass long before I tried playing with my pussy or clit, and my first boyfriend fucked me in my ass too, which got me hooked on it.

I’ve tried using a toy in my pussy and rubbing my clit to masturbate, but I just don’t like how it feels. Up my ass it’s amazing and I can cum so easily, in my pussy it’s just weird and kind of raw feeling and painful.

Plus I can’t get pregnant with anal, and all the guys love that I always want it up the ass, so I don’t see any reason to lose my pussy virginity. I think it’s a really sexy idea to stay a virgin there and just be a big anal slut until I decide to have kids someday.

Sound reasoning all around from this young woman, and it seems she already knows what she wants and needs and has no real issues with it. Still, she asks the audience of Is It Normal? for their opinion on her lifestyle choice. Unfortunately, the majority of them accuse her of being a guy, mock the idea in one way or another, or make troll comments. There are a few positive comments, but honestly, the most positivity comes from the original poster herself, who defends her position in a few cases, including to the claim that she must enjoy pain if she does anal.

What do you mean?? I don’t like pain, anal doesn’t hurt, it’s my pussy that does when I’ve tried using a dildo in it, that’s why I decided to not have vaginal.

Continue Reading at Is It Normal?

Message: Regret Ever Losing My Vaginal Virginity

WishIWasStillVV: My biggest sexual regret in my life is losing my vaginal virginity. I was like some of the girls in your blog who started having anal sex only. I did not want to get pregnant and it was an easy way to avoid that when I started. I loved it and my boyfriend loved it, so there was no reason to do anything else.

Over time, I became very attached to anal sex and to the fact that I was only anal, and I decided not to have vaginal sex unless I decided to have a child someday . In fact, I did it for 9 years, until I was 25 years old. But then, after being single for a while, I met a new boyfriend who agreed with the anal but wanted over time to take my virginity and continued to put pressure on me. I did not want to do it, but I finally gave in and gave up.

Unfortunately, it was very uncomfortable and unpleasant for me. I did not like it at all and the fact that I was pushed to do it probably did not help to make things pleasant. But I thought that was what I had to do to be normal, so I did it and continued for a while, until we broke up.

Since then, I have become anal only again and I never want to use my vagina again, but I am so angry and sad to think that I have lost something precious and that I am not pure anal only like I wanted to be .

I am really sorry that you were pressured into doing something you didn’t want to do, that’s not okay regardless of what type of sex act is involved. Someone who doesn’t want to do vaginal pressured into doing vaginal is bad, and someone who doesn’t want to do anal being pressured into doing anal is bad.

I’ve heard similar things from a lot of women who started out anal only for an extended period of time before losing their vaginal virginity, many express some level of regret or at least a wish that they’d realized sooner that they’d want to end up committing to anal only long-term. In your case, however, it sounds like you already knew that for yourself, and the decision to do vaginal all came from external influence instead.

And at the same time, for those who have chosen to lose their vaginal virginity, or who want to try both to see for themselves what they prefer, you shouldn’t feel bad either. It’s your body, and your choice, and that is what matters. If someone is making you uncomfortable by pushing you to do things you don’t want to do, then that’s where there’s a problem.

Thank you for sharing, and I’m glad you were able to end up back in the anal only lifestyle after. I know preserving one’s vaginal virginity as part of being anal only can be appealing and something special to some people—myself included—and it can feel like a loss, especially when you were pressured to lose it despite not wanting to, but it doesn’t make you any less. Always remember that.

Forum: Introducing Anal After 13 Years of Marriage

From our companion Anal Only Lifestyle forum, user aredeejay3001 shares:

My wife and I are in our 40s, married for 13 years now with three little kids (ages 10, 7, 5). Our times for uninterrupted intimacy are limited to say the least.

I first got into anal in my 20s with girlfriends at the time. One girlfriend I lived with seemed to enjoy anal sex more than anything else. She probably would have embraced this AO concept! Another girlfriend introduced me to receiving anal pleasure by fingering me.

That was all over 20 years ago. My wife has never seemed interested in exploring this and I didn’t push it as I was very content with our sex life and we were both very busy with kiddos, jobs, etc. But it was still something that I was interested in, still something I would fantasize about.

But in the last year, everything has changed! And suddenly, anal play is now a regular part of what we do.

Continue reading at the Anal Only Lifestyle forum

Message: Giving Up Clit Stimulation In 2019

Anonymous: My anal only new year’s resolution for 2019 is to give up clit stimulation. I’m already anal only. I have been for years. But I really rely on my clit a lot and I think it is holding me back. So this year I want to quit. I’m not going to try to do it all at once immediately, because I tried that before and it never worked for me for more than a few weeks. I’m going to take the whole year to try using it less and hopefully by the end of the year I’ll be clit-free! Wish me luck, everybody!

Thank you for sharing your goal for 2019, and good luck! While clit denial may not always be for everyone, if you’re interested in exploring it or have frustrations with clit stimulation, I highly recommend doing what you’re doing and seeing how it works for you to work on excluding it going forward.

Gradually reducing clit stimulation during anal like you’ve mentioned is a great way to do it. And, while you didn’t say what you do currently, I’d highly suggest not masturbating with your clit at all unless you are also masturbating anally at the same time or having anal sex at the same time. This helps shift that focus over to anal as the primary act and clit stimulation as only a secondary, supplemental act which you can reduce and eliminate over time.

For more information about clit denial, its benefits, and ways to help with the process of excluding clit stimulation, see our Benefits of Avoiding Clitoral Stimulation During Anal Sex guide.

Discussion: She Only Prefers Anal Sex

Met someone on POF who`s company i adore.
We`ve been out a few times. She spent the weekend at my home. We really get along, and our time we spend together is really amazing!We babrely left my apartment.

Each time we engaged in sex, she would only allow me to enter her anally.I was taken aback by her request.She seemed to like oral sex performed on her as well as my hands caressing her.Yet, each time i attempted to penetrate her vagina she refused.

She explained to me, its nothing personal, but, until she becomes comfortable with me, she doesn`t allow anyone to enter her.
Don`t get me wrong, i`m not complaining,but i do find this preference rather odd.
Has anyone else experienced this before?

His reaction to a woman who only wants anal sex is unfortunate, acting like it’s somehow unusual or strange for a woman to prefer anal sex or only want anal and not want him to penetrate her vaginally. The responses he receives are similarly disappointing, ranging from insulting her…

“Odd” isn’t the word for it. I’m thinking more along the lines of “nutjob.”

…to accusing him of making up a fantasy story…

haha, sounds like you have quite the active and elaborate fantasy life. anyway….

Has anyone else experienced this before?

strangely, i find the question itself to be of greater interest than your absurd story. do you hope the answer is “yes”, do you wonder if it is “no”; are you merely taking a poll (against forum rules) or are you asking for advice but haven’t quite figured out a way to frame your anally fixated question; and… either way, what will you do with the information once you get it? also, have you written your daily posting to yet or did they delete your account for violating TOS and is that why you came here?

…to the classic accusation that she is actually a man in disguise…

are you CERTAIN she’s a SHE???

a real SHE???

Honestly, it’s an incredibly frustrating look at the ignorance towards anal sex that still remains in the world and which can make it a challenge for anal only people to meet partners and communicate their desires without judgement. Most everyone is making hostile and crude jokes or being downright insulting towards the idea of preferring anal sex, or the concept of anal in general. However over the course of the 16 pages that this crazy thread goes on for, a few more reasonable people do turn up, fortunately, but… wow.

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