Message: Lost Track of How Long I’ve Been Doing Anal Only

Anonymous: So I just realized while I was reading through your blog today that my bf & I haven’t done vaginal since sometime early last year, and I can’t even remember when it was! From what I’m reading here, it seems like we should make it official?

I always take it as a good sign that people are well-suited to be anal only when they’ve been doing it naturally already without even trying. The fact that you can’t even remember exactly when you started is just further proof of that. It’s obvious that you don’t need or even really want vaginal if your natural inclination is to avoid it and do anal instead. So you should definitely keep going anal only. Communication is always good, so I’d suggest talking about it with your boyfriend, too. Just say “Hey, we haven’t had vaginal sex in like a year and I don’t miss it at all. What do you say we just go anal only for good?” and see how he reacts. Chances are he’ll be up for the same and you can both go forward confident that you’re both satisfied and happy being anal only.

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