The De-Normalization of Vaginal Sex

As most people are very aware, the majority of humanity considers vaginal sex to be “normal” and anal sex to be “abnormal”, in part because vaginal is how reproduction takes place. We’ve had other discussions on that topic in recent months, and won’t be getting into that as much, but will instead look at how things are starting to change.

As in the past, particularly in certain cultures, where vaginal and anal were seen as both having their purpose, and anal was generally the default for many people, we’re starting to see a growing trend towards the normalization of anal sex as a regular practice for countless men and women.

As anal becomes normal in the same manner as vaginal, and people feel free to choose between what works best for them and gives the most pleasure and intimacy, vaginal is going to naturally become denormalized while anal becomes increasingly normal. Without stigmas and other negative associations with anal, people are already recognizing it for a superior way to have sex and bond with partners, and it’s only logical that anal will continue to become the new default and vaginal will be reserved for reproduction at the most.

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