Month: April 2019

Discussion: Why Don’t Women Like Anal Sex?

That’s the question a Quora user asks, and they receive a diverse set of answers, some far better than others, but the best answer is:

Some women do not like anal sex. They have tried it, but it was painful, or it was done incorrectly, or they didn’t enjoy the sensation, or any number of other reasons.

Some women have never tried it, and have no desire to, because they think it’s gross, or unnatural, or will be painful.

Some women have never tried it, but would like to.

Some women greatly enjoy anal sex.

There is no singular ‘why’ here, because it’s factually untrue that all women dislike anal sex.

Jeremy Glenesk, Quora

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Discussion: Can Men Get Addicted to Anal Sex?

A user on Quora asks this question, which prompts the following response:

No. Sex addiction does not exist, period. If you don’t like that, don’t argue with me, argue with the DSM-V and the American Medical Association, they’re the ones who made the decision. Frankly, I trust them over the religious nuts and con artists who came up with the concept of sex addiction, but I suppose you’re free to make that call for yourself.

Sex addiction of any kind does not exist. This includes anal sex.

Vivian Mackenzie Mandelbrot, Quora

While this is the correct response in the true technical sense of addiction, what the original user may have been asking was more along the lines of the common usage of the term.

It’s not going to cause an unhealthy addiction to anal sex, but the frequent practice of anal sex and the subsequent realization of how much better it is than vaginal is going to cause most men to definitely prefer and prioritize anal sex, and in many cases to want to have anal sex exclusively and stop all comparatively unnecessary vaginal activities.

This is normal and expected. If you prefer anal and don’t want to do vaginal anymore, don’t do it.

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Message: Wanted To Have Vaginal Sex, Now Not So Sure

Anonymous: Hi! I’m glad I found your blog, it seems the perfect place to ask this question I’ve been asking myself for quite a while.

I’m 24 and I first had sex when I was 17, but we only did anal and oral. I didn’t have access to birth control and didn’t want to get pregnant, and my parents were religious so they always pushed not losing my virginity until I got married. I know having anal sex doesn’t make me a virgin anymore, but I was young and horny and it seemed like a good compromise at the time. I loved it, it felt amazing and I quickly learned to orgasm from anal, so there was no urgent reason to start doing vaginal sex.

I got older and had more boyfriends and since I enjoyed anal so much and still felt my parents saying I needed to keep my pussy virgin until I got married, so I always told them I was saving myself for marriage but we could do anal, and they were almost always totally okay with that, so it was easy to just stay anal only, even though I wasn’t in that mindset and really wanted to do vaginal too someday. I had never considered the idea of only doing anal forever, it was just for practical reasons at first and then because I liked it so much and it was so easy to just stay that way and not challenge myself.

Now, I’m not at all religious and no longer have any religious motivation to stay a vaginal virgin, but I’m in a relationship now with a man who I love very much who has told me how much he loves that I have always only had anal sex and that he would like me to stay a vaginal virgin, not to stay “pure” but because he is only interested in having anal sex and he thinks it’s sexy that I’m not only anal only but that I’ve never even done vaginal and that my vagina is virgin.

I had a hard time with this idea, because as I said I always wanted to lose my vaginal virginity eventually even if I have only done anal for seven years now and really do love it, but I can see his side as well. Even I can see why it’s an appealing idea, there’s something special and sexy about being different from all the other girls and never using my pussy, only my ass, but I still wonder and haven’t decided for sure yet.

For anyone who thinks he’s being unfair or selfish, he isn’t, we’re equal partners in our relationship, we love and respect each other very much, and we talk about each other’s wants and needs. He will respect whatever I do, but he will also share his opinion and desires, and I respect that too.

Do you have any advice you can offer? Should I try to have vaginal sex at least once to see what it’s like? Or should I do what he suggests and just move on from the idea of it entirely? We probably won’t have children, or if we did, we’d adopt, so that isn’t a factor. Thank you!

I think you should stay a vaginal virgin and commit to being anal only for good. You already know you love anal sex, you’ve been anal only for close to a decade now, and all your sexual experience and development has been anal oriented. Vaginal sex can’t get anywhere close to the pleasure, intensity or intimacy of anal, so by starting with anal you’re already doing the most enjoyable thing, and trying vaginal at this point is just going to be disappointing in comparison to what you’re used to.

Most women who start with anal and enjoy it, then try vaginal later, ultimately end up returning to anal only and say they regret ever wasting any time with vaginal and wish they’d kept their vaginal virginity. So why bother? Stay an anal only vaginal virgin and have no regrets.

You love it, your boyfriend loves it and has openly expressed how sexy he thinks it would be for you to stay anal only with him, and the fact that you don’t foresee having children are all reasons to shift your thinking and no longer see anal as something to do for now until you eventually do vaginal, instead recognizing that you’re already doing the ultimate form of sex and that there’s no reason to backtrack to something inferior that you won’t get anywhere as much enjoyment out of.

Be proud and happy to be purely anal only.

The De-Normalization of Vaginal Sex

As most people are very aware, the majority of humanity considers vaginal sex to be “normal” and anal sex to be “abnormal”, in part because vaginal is how reproduction takes place. We’ve had other discussions on that topic in recent months, and won’t be getting into that as much, but will instead look at how things are starting to change.

As in the past, particularly in certain cultures, where vaginal and anal were seen as both having their purpose, and anal was generally the default for many people, we’re starting to see a growing trend towards the normalization of anal sex as a regular practice for countless men and women.

As anal becomes normal in the same manner as vaginal, and people feel free to choose between what works best for them and gives the most pleasure and intimacy, vaginal is going to naturally become denormalized while anal becomes increasingly normal. Without stigmas and other negative associations with anal, people are already recognizing it for a superior way to have sex and bond with partners, and it’s only logical that anal will continue to become the new default and vaginal will be reserved for reproduction at the most.

Discussion: What are the chances of poop getting on my boyfriends penis if we try anal sex?

That’s the question asked by a Quora user, who receives an assortment of replies, including the following.

There’s a chance. Where his penis is isn’t where poop is “stored” but if you’ve gone to the restroom recently or have a little in that area, you may get some on him.

The REAL question is “does it matter?” Going into this, your boyfriend accepts that this may end with some poop on his penis. It’s an acceptable risk. It doesn’t matter.

James R. Butts, Quora

This is the right answer. Chances may be low, and you can mitigate most risk of making a mess, but there’s always somewhat of a chance no matter what you do, and in the end, it doesn’t really matter. The payoff is worth the risk, so long as you’re both mature about it and just laugh it off, clean up, and keep going after.

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Message: Longing for the Past

Darly W: I had a girlfriend in college that was so totally into anal it’s all she wanted to do. She got me hooked. She could take it straight to her ass with little to no warm up. The great thing is she didn’t like condoms, so I got to nut in her ass every time we fucked. Since we were monogamous and clean it wasn’t an issue. I’d bet I seeded her ass nearly 1000 times in the three and a half years we dated. If only I knew how lucky I was I would have done whatever it took to keep her.

I’ve been in several relationships since with women who would have anal sex, even a couple who really enjoyed it. None wanted only anal sex though.

My wife willingly has anal sex about two or three times a month. She orgasms every time, she just doesn’t seem to want it more than that? I would give anything for my wife to be anal only.

Is there any advice you can give for someone in my situation?

Have you tried talking to your wife about it? Not necessarily about diving right in to anal only, but about how much you love her ass and having anal sex with her and wanting to do it more often. Don’t just make it one-sided, ask her what she thinks about it, and listen. If she has hesitations, ask her about them. Most of the reasons someone might oppose having anal sex more often if they enjoy it on occasion can in fact be mitigated by working up over time to having more frequent anal sex.

Message: Missing Anal Only

Cocobutt: I had an older boyfriend when I was younger who only wanted my ass and would fuck me there all the time. He taught me all about anal and how to do it right and I loved it. I didn’t really know anal only was a big thing then but we were anal only together for almost three years. I’ve been really missing that lately after having boyfriends who mostly want my pussy and I just don’t like it very much anymore. I was looking to see if other people were like me and found your blog. I would love to find another anal only man. I’m tired of pretending to like it in my pussy.

I’m so glad that you had a skilled and trusted partner to introduce you to anal and the anal only lifestyle, and who was able to show you how much better anal is than vaginal when you do it right.

If you want to be anal only again, start by only masturbating anally, since that’s something you can control on your own terms. And then when you hook up with or date guys, don’t pretend you like it in your pussy, come right out and say that you don’t do or enjoy vaginal sex, and you only do anal. The right guys will respond very positively to that, and if they have a problem with it, you know right off the bat they aren’t the right guy for you.

Be anal only. Own it. Be proud of it and be honest about it with new partners. You won’t regret it. Not every guy is going to be into the idea, but that doesn’t matter, you just need to find the guy that is, and those guys are absolutely out there. Don’t force yourself to endure vaginal sex when it isn’t doing it for you and anal is what you crave.

Quote: I Love Being an Anal Only Girl

My boyfriend and I have been doing anal only lately. Anal is a longtime fetish of mine and as I have gotten older it’s become more and more difficult for me to orgasm from vag sex so I’ve grown to love anal more and more. My boyfriend said no woman had ever let him do it before me because of his unusually large girth. I admit even I was apprehensive and it was difficult at first but I loved it with him. Once we started doing it we would start with vag sex and end with anal every time. But we love the anal so much that lately he’s just skipping the vagina and going straight for my ass every time. I find it very erotic! I love being an anal only girl.

Chameleon72tx, HipForums

Discussion: Is it ok to have anal sex with your wife?

From today’s edition of Silly Questions From Quora, a user asks what should be a blindingly obvious question of whether it’s okay to have anal sex with one’s wife.

The answers are all good and focus on the importance of consent while remaining sex positive and making it clear that if both partners enjoy and want anal sex, then they can and should do it.

One answer goes above and beyond and makes it clear just how much women can enjoy anal sex:

I do anal every time me and my husband have sex. Its usually everyday. Sometimes six days a week.

We have vaginal first with a plug to get me ready. I orgasm at least 3 times. Then take the plug out and have 2 other orgasms during anal. Fun times. Been together for 13 years and married 7.

So yah it’s ok, for me at least!

Bonnie Smith, Quora

Given the anal only nature of this blog, we would be remiss if we didn’t suggest that moving away from vaginal even as a means of foreplay would be an even better experience, but ultimately it’s up to each person’s individual preferences and needs. It’s clear that for this person, anal is already the priority and primary means of sexual activity and pleasure and everything else builds up to it, but by eliminating vaginal it can make the anal that much better.

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Anal Only April 2019

Craving something new? Why not go anal only for a whole month? Challenge yourself to Anal Only April.

First announced a few weeks ago, Anal Only April 2019 has now officially begun! Read through the earlier post for the full details, but in essence, it’s a challenge for you and any partners you may have to only have anal sex for the entire month, as an opportunity to explore the anal only lifestyle without a long-term up-front commitment.

If being anal only intrigues you, here’s your chance to try it for yourself. If you’re already anal only, take it as a month of celebration and as much anal sex, masturbation and butt plugging as you can manage, or an opportunity to explore a new twist on the anal only lifestyle that you’ve been fantasizing about or are curious to try. At least one long-term anal only woman is making this Anal Only April a “double anal only” month!

As always, if you plan to participate, let us know and share your experiences and questions throughout the month and beyond. After all, most people who try going anal only for a month or two at first find that they don’t ever want to go back to vaginal by the time their trial period is over!

Read the full rules and details of Anal Only April