Month: July 2019

In the Absence of Tumblr

Tumblr as a platform for this community has now been absent over half a year, and that absence is still very heavily felt. While other platforms like bdsmlr have popped up to attempt to replace it, so far very little has actually done so from what I’ve found so far. Bdsmlr replicates many of the functions but has many ongoing bugs even still, including the biggest one for me where captions I reblog are frequently absent from the posts, so people viewing my blog there just see images and none of the text caption content that has always set my blogs apart from others. Until that gets resolved, I’m no longer going to expend any effort on Bdsmlr.

So, I’m asking the community: where are you spending your time lately, what platforms have you found that replicate the functionality and community of Tumblr the best so far? Features that I need include: multiple blog support, tagging posts and searching the entire platform for those tags, reblogging (with the original caption(s) still attached), queuing, and drafting posts, and probably some other things as well. I’m interested in resuming my original Tumblr blogs at some point, and I’d really like to get them back on a platform that works as well as Tumblr did before their downfall.

Update 8/4: It appears that I’ve been able to get Bdsmlr working correctly again, so will resume posting there for the time being.

Message: Why Are Orgasms From Anal So Much More Intense for Men?

Anonymous: There is much talk about the anal orgasm being more intense than vaginal for the woman, but what about the guys who are penetrating? Why is the orgasm from anal so much more intense than from vaginal? Is it the forbidden nature of the act? Is it the tightness of the ass vs the vagina? Is it the beauty of the ass and anus vs the vagina? For me it is a combination of all three. I find the vagina bland and boring compared to the ass and frankly I literally empty my balls into the rectum whereas my orgasms from vaginal are ho-hum at best. I would be interested in hearing other peoples views on the matter.

I agree that it is likely a combination of factors. It feels better, it’s more intimate, it’s more attractive and appealing, and it is for many people more exciting. Those things combine together to result in better orgasms for everyone.

Message: Why Should I Go Anal Only?

Anonymous: I like anal sex a lot but until I found your blog I never thought of the idea of only doing anal sex. Isn’t it better to do both and have options? Why should I give up my pussy and just do anal?

Well, if you don’t want to, you shouldn’t. Adopting the anal only lifestyle should always be a choice, not something you’re pressured into without wanting to try it for yourself.

But since you reached out and are asking, I assume you have some genuine curiosity about it and are interested in why it might be better for you, so I’m going to respond in kind.

For some people, both might be better, but in my experience and from conversations with many other anal only people out there, there’s something even better about the exclusivity of anal sex and the exclusion of vaginal sex that just makes the anal that much better and sets it apart from doing both.

I think there are many different levels to this, including the fact that it can be exciting to go against the norm of primarily doing vaginal sex and perhaps only occasionally doing anal and deciding instead to make anal the norm for yourself and vaginal abnormal. Add in the fact that the anus is more sensitive and prone to pleasure than the vagina for most women and can often lead to orgasms more easily and intensely than vaginal sex. And then, perhaps one of the biggest factors is that vaginal and clitoral orgasms most often lead to a loss of arousal and feelings of regret and mood drop afterwards, while anal orgasms just lead to more pleasure and arousal for most. So by excluding vaginal sex (and for some, clitoral stimulation) the anal experience just continues to get increasingly better the longer you are anal only.

I’d encourage you to try it for a month or two and see what you think for yourself. Most people find that they don’t miss vaginal nearly as much as they might have thought and discover that anal feels much more natural once they focus completely on it.

Discussion: What Happens if You Have Too Much Anal Sex?

A Quora user asks this question, which is actually a fairly common thing people interested in the anal only lifestyle and introducing more anal sex into their life in general are concerned about, and which ties into a lot of anal myths and fears.


I don’t know yet. After having anal sex probably a couple thousand times in the past 20 years, the only effect I’ve noticed so far is that I can more easily allow something to go up my ass.

What about incontinence!?


None whatsoever.

Well, I suppose, but no more than normal.

Now you’re really reaching.

It’s not just me either. I have more than a few friends who like it up the butt. Some, moreso than others. They all report no ill effects whatsoever.

Ernie Dunbar, Quora

If it starts to hurt, stop. If it starts to bleed, stop. Other than that you’re fine

You don’t have anything to worry about as far as fatiguing your butt muscles, since they snap back to their normal tightness within a few minutes after you stop playing, and like all muscles they tone up and get stronger with use.

Bonnie Smith, Quora

These are both great answers that get to the truth of the matter with anal sex. There is no such thing as too much anal sex, in a universal sense. You just need to listen to your body and if you get sore or feel pain, you should take a break. If everything is good, you’re good. The more you gain experience and practice with anal sex and the more your body is conditioned to it, the more you can do without getting sore or fatigued. Some can only do it once every week or two when first starting out, some a few times a week, and some multiple times per day.

Continue reading on Quora

Message: This is Not About Pleasure at All

Anonymous: if you really believe anal was the height of pleasure, you would stop touching your dick, and only take it in the ass. almost like its not about pleasure at all and is entirely about you forcing women into ignoring parts of their body literally designed for penetration because of your anal fetish.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. If you prefer anal, or are curious about why it might be better than vaginal, then this blog is for you. If you are uninterested in anal or in anal exclusivity through the anal only lifestyle, then you’re free to ignore it.

There are some women who sincerely prefer anal over vaginal and so choose to focus on that. This is also true of some men, who prefer receiving anal penetration and focus on that instead of using their penis. All are welcome and encouraged in the anal only lifestyle.

But consent is key, always, and no one should ever be forced to do such things. What I do is share my perspective (and that of others) so that those who have similar interests or are curious about this approach to sexuality are able to have a resource to learn more and interact with others like themselves, or be encouraged to try it for themselves if they haven’t yet already.

A Reminder That Reader Participation is Encouraged

Since this blog has left Tumblr, its readership has increased, but reader participation has decreased. No doubt this is partially because Tumblr made it so easy for anyone to respond, ask questions, and share content right through the website or app in a manner that everyone using Tumblr was already very familiar with.

Fortunately, it’s just as easy here: you can add comments to any post by clicking the Comment link next to the post date, or by scrolling to the bottom of an individual post. And you can ask us questions or share your stories by clicking the Ask link at the top of each page.

A community is always much more enjoyable for everyone when we’re all engaged and interacting more actively, so always remember that you’re encouraged to share your perspective, whatever it might be. Whether you agree with something and want to say so, or if you disagree and want your differing perspective known, it’s all encouraged and welcomed here.

Quora: Why Do I Prefer Anal?

So asks a Quora user, who receives the following response:

That’s surprisingly common. Many women tend to resist the idea of anal sex because of its associated taboo, but most women who try it out find they enjoy it quite a bit more than vaginal. This is probably due to the anus having more nerve endings than the vagina, plus it’s generally easier to reach the g-spot through the anus than the vagina.

Martin Jantzen, Quora

Continue reading on Quora

Forum: Anal Only 2019 Update, Part 2

In a follow-up to last week’s featured forum post, the conversation continues in very interesting ways:

The elimination of clitoral stimulation has lead to much longer, intense orgasms and multiple orgasms. She never had multiple orgasms with clitoral stimulation. As well, it seems like she has these really great orgasms that wipe her out, yet she can become aroused again in a very short period of time. It really has been a great thing for us. The only down side to this is that she’s doing less ass to mouth. We talked about it, and both realized that she usually did it when the clitoral stimulation became to much for her, but she wasn’t ready to cum. After I pointed out the fact I really missed it, she has made more of an effort, but it just doesn’t seem as exciting to her as it did. Don’t get me wrong, she still does ass to mouth just about every time, it just went from 3 or 4 times to once. I’m thankful she’s willing to do it at all, let alone enjoy doing it.

So far this weekend we’ve had sex Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Saturday night. Then, she woke me up about 2AM and told me she had been having a sex dream and we fucked again. She got off every time, with the exception of Saturday morning. She’s still asleep now, but I’m hoping she’ll be up to it this morning when she wakes, as I’m ready to go writing this. 

Whenever I think about it, I’m in constant disbelief I have a wife that loves anal sex as much as I do, to the point of the total elimination of direct vaginal or clitoral stimulation. Every day I still feel like I’m going to wake up and find it was all a crazy sex dream.

LuvMyWifesAss, Anal Only Lifestyle forum

It makes sense that without clitoral stimulation, she’s not as horny and willing to do ass to mouth. Personally, I’d tell her to start rubbing her clit again if she wants to that I could get some more ass to mouth. Once a session is alright, obviously, if that’s okay with you but I would want more ass to mouth, not less over time. It seems like she would do it on her own being so horny. Now she does it because you were missing it and really wanted it.

hasani2222, Anal Only Lifestyle forum

Quite the opposite. The reason she was doing more ass to mouth before is because the clitoral stimulation would become too intense for her and she would need to stop. Otherwise, she would cum before she was ready. It’s almost like anal only, without clit stimulation, is self regulating. She now has longer deeper orgasms and only cums when she’s ready to. It’s as if anal alone gives her the perfect amount of stimulation and cause her orgasms to happen only when they are supposed to. 

She’s now firmly in agreement that she enjoys sex more without clitoral stimulation, and that her orgasms are better. 

With clit stimulation her orgasms come on fast and are done. She feels less satisfied. Clitoral orgasms, even with anal stimulation seem very localized, where her anal only orgasms seem to encompass her whole body.

LuvMyWifesAss, Anal Only Lifestyle forum

Continue reading on the Anal Only Lifestyle forum

Message: How Does Anal Feel as Opposed to Vaginal?

Anonymous: How does anal feel as opposed to vaginal? If you are the guy how does anal feel to your dick? Why is it so good?

Everyone has a slightly different experience and opinion, but in general, anal is tighter, grippier and much more “responsive” than vaginal—with anal, you can feel everything your partner does and when their muscles twitch with pleasure, especially during orgasm. In addition to the direct differences in sensation, it also tends to allow for deeper penetration, is more visually appealing and exciting, and has a much more primal and natural feeling to it than vaginal.

Polls of Porn Consumers Favor Anal Only

While this is not a scientific poll by any means, it remains interesting. On the LegalPorno forums, fans of that producer’s content regularly create polls on the popularity of anal vs. vaginal, and while vaginal or double penetration that includes vaginal continues to have some interest, anal is always the most popular by far.

A recent poll asked How much anal do you want in the scenes you buy? and out of 193 responses, 56% responded that they wanted all scenes to be 100% anal, while 38% wanted mostly anal but some vaginal penetration (but as a secondary act during double penetration only), 4% wanted more of a focus on vaginal sex, and only 1% wanted only vaginal.

Let’s hope to see these trends continuing both with porn production and viewership, and in real life. Anal continues to rapidly lose its taboos for many people, and is becoming a very normal part people’s sex lives, with a growing number of people preferring it over vaginal or choosing to replace vaginal entirely with anal.