2019 Anal Only Lifestyle Roundup
Read our previous roundup for 2018 here.
Following Tumblr’s porn ban in late 2018, the future of the Anal Only Lifestyle community was somewhat up in the air and unknown at the start of this year. Fortunately, things have settled into their new routine and we have have continued nearly as before even without Tumblr.
This blog, as you no doubt know, has continued to exist off Tumblr as a standalone blog and is actually posting more consistently now than before, and still gets reader interaction and hundreds of daily users reading the new posts and browsing the archives. The loss of the Tumblr community has impacted the reader interaction to some extent, because replies and messages were so ingrained into the Tumblr ecosystem, so we’re still trying to get more readers to send messages and write comments (seriously, if you have anything to say or ask, please feel free!) but it’s gone rather well considering the major platform shift. We also created a comprehensive Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle as part of the blog, which has extensive resources on how to prepare for and enjoy anal sex, what the anal only lifestyle is, reasons why anal sex and going anal only is better than including vaginal sex in your sex life, and how to go anal only, etc. Be sure to check it out!
The Anal Only Lifestyle forum continues to exist as it always has, with slow but continuing conversation. With over 10,000 posts in its archives, many people end up reading through old posts rather than starting new conversations, but it can still be a great way to share your experiences and talk with others who have similar interests. If you haven’t already, please consider registering and introducing yourself and adding your opinions to some of the many topics there.
Our subreddit, /r/analonlylifestyle, has quite a bit of activity on it of late as well, some of which gets featured here, but you should go check it out and join if you’re a Reddit user.
The major hub of community activity is the Anal Only Lifestyle Discord server, which allows for realtime chat. With over 2,000 members, you can easily find people to talk to most of the time in here, and there are dozens of regulars that hang out daily. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t, or stop back in and say hi if you’ve been away for a while.
We’ve been gradually shifting our porn blogs off Tumblr and onto Bdsmlr, which has been improving significantly over the past year. For links, check out our Anal Only Porn Blogs page, which lists both ours and other anal only-themed porn blogs and where they’ve moved to.
And finally, we also launched a Patreon page for the Anal Only Lifestyle this year, which helps to support not only our hosting costs but all the time spent managing and producing content for everyone. If you enjoy this community and the content that comes out of it, please consider supporting us on Patreon.
So, what’s next? In 2020, we’re planning to return to daily posting on this blog, rather than every other day. But that means we also need your help! Please share all your questions, stories, comments, concerns and more. If you come across good anal articles or posts online, be sure to share them too. Posting daily requires a lot of content, and the more that you, our readers, share with us, the more we can post for everyone to enjoy reading. Consistently, people have said that their favorite part of the blog is reading about other people’s experiences and goals, so don’t hesitate to share yours.
We will be continuing our twice annual anal only challenge months, Anal Only April and No Pussy November, as well as hosting a few more special challenges from time to time. And, of course, we’re encouraging people to make the commitment just beyond a month and go anal only for 2020—and beyond, into the new decade for a pure anal only future moving forward.
The anal only porn blogs on Bdsmlr will be continuing to come back online and getting more active, with frequent posting schedules and in some cases the old archives from Tumblr being re-queued for new enjoyment.
As for other changes and improvements, we’d like to hear from you. What would you like to see?