Message: Colonics/Enemas Not Working as Effectively
Ana: Hi. I want to know if any woman in here who has done only anal sex for more than 3 years has stomach issues. Me and my partner have anal sex 5 days a week and everyday I am doing colonics to be clean. For a month now i have noticed that it doesn’t work so well anymore. I prep myself and when we have sex something happens and we get dirty and when we have sex my stomach sometimes hurts. It is someone here that can relate to my story? I really can use some advice . Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having digestive/hygiene issues that are affecting your ability to enjoy anal. That’s something that can sometimes affect people, even if they’ve had no problem before. The causes can vary, and there are different things to try, but it will generally get better in time.
- It’s possible that you have been impacted by a stomach virus or something similar which is affecting you at a lower level and that you need time to recover, especially if you’re noticing any other digestive issues. You could talk to your doctor about the issue and see if they can offer any assistance.
- If you’ve made any dietary changes recently, that may be a factor. Try adding more fiber to your diet, whether through fiber supplements or natural dietary fiber. This can make a huge impact. Even if it hasn’t been an issue before, adding fiber is usually a positive thing for an anal only lifestyle.
- You may consider backing off on the enemas somewhat—even if it wasn’t an issue before, for some people they can cause more of a mess or throw off the balance of healthy bacteria that help with the digestive process.
For more information on the above, see our guide to anal hygiene and how to have clean anal sex. It has additional details about fiber supplements and more. Good luck, and I hope everything works out for you and you’re able to get back into a clean anal routine!
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