Message: Never Had An Orgasm
vickieiskinky: I’ve been sexual active for 3+ years and I’ve never had am orgasm. I really think that I’ve tried everything I can; masturbation of both my pussy and my ass, nipple play, but nothing. I really love anal, it’s my favorite way to mess around, I haven’t really been training my hole long but I can already feel the difference. Everything I do feels good, I just can’t ever seem to orgasm. Do you know of any thing that could help?
Focus on masturbating just your asshole from now on so that you can further develop that source of pleasure and potential orgasm trigger—while it’s possible to orgasm from multiple sources, anal orgasms are the best kind and focusing on developing your ass as your primary orgasm source at this point is best.
Otherwise, just keep doing what you’re doing. Keep chasing the pleasure, keep looking for things that feel particularly good when you fuck your ass and focus on doing those and see if you feel a building sensation that may ultimately end in orgasm, try different positions and angles, try masturbating your ass when you need to pee, and try it both on your own and with a partner.
But at the same time, don’t try to make having an orgasm be your priority all the time. The pressure of wanting that and frustration of it not happening can end up keeping yourself from cumming. So just enjoy the pleasure of getting your ass fucked, and over time you’ll probably get to where you can orgasm.
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