Message: Wrong Way Enslavement
Veki: Dear! The main problem with people who are interested in this topic is lost of love. When two peoples do not love each other they are looking for love surrogates. “Only anal” concept is fake surrogate for soul emptiness. It is sin, wrong way of life, because this is like consumation of drugs. In the begining, iz feels fine and nice but during the time it becomes insufficient and you need more and more dosege to be able to survive to the end of day. Very quickly you will become overexcited and will start to search other, more extrem, perversion to satisfy your sick sexual madness. And this road goes to hell. On the end, man starts to hate himself because he find out that he is lost without love. I tell you this beacuse I had anal sex several years and find out how it was unnatural and dirty. Only love can save you. But you have no love because you hate women, nature nad God…you are slaves of your mad, insatiable desire. One day you will find that your soul is dying if you continue with this perversion. I hope that everyone of you will realise very soon how this sin is wrong for you and find salvation. God bless you.
Thank you for your concern, but I think you’re quite mistaken. While some people may use sex as a surrogate for love, that’s not specific to any sort of sex. There’s also nothing inherently wrong with casual sex. For people who have a healthy relationship with sex, anal sex can just be a more intensely pleasurable way of enjoying it, being intimate, and expressing sexuality without risking pregnancy. There are many, many loving anal only couples who use anal sex as their physical expression of that love and connection.
There’s also zero hatred of women here. In fact, many of the most enthusiastic members of this community are women who love anal sex because it gives them more pleasure than vaginal sex, and more sexual freedom to enjoy intimacy without risking pregnancy. The anal only lifestyle is empowering to women, in reality!
There are medical reasons for anal only coupling as well as the reasons mentioned by the moderator. For one, Women or other individuals with vaginas sometimes have pain caused by intercourse often called vaginismis. While lubes and pharmaceutical medicines can help alleviate some of the pain, often these women find that coupling can still be pleasurable by switching to anal only. This may mean that vaginal coupling would only be used in those cases to become pregnant.