Announcing a brand new Anal Only Challenge month! To balance out No Pussy November, we’re adding Anal Only April as another opportunity to introduce yourself or your partner to the anal only lifestyle.
The best way to see what anal only is all about is to dive right into it for at least a month and stay committed to no vaginal sex during that time. This provides you with a clear focus on anal pleasure and gives you time to work out the kinks and develop a routine that works for you. Many people find by the end of a month or two that they really enjoy being anal only and want to stay that way.
Sound like a fun thing to try? In advance of April, start talking with your partner if you have one and get them on board with the idea, then start to prepare your (or your partner’s) ass so it’s ready and eagerly awaiting its use as a complete substitute for vaginal sex. If you don’t have a partner but would like to participate, you can challenge yourself to change your solo play habits to be anal only or to work on developing or improving your ability to orgasm from just anal.
For those who are already anal only, of course, every month is an anal only month. Anal Only April and No Pussy November, however, offer an opportunity to revisit the idea, celebrate how much you enjoy being anal only, and consider if there is anything new you’d like to add to your anal only routine. If you regularly engage in clitoral stimulation, for example, you could challenge yourself to stop that and focus on pure anal pleasure and orgasms instead. If ass to mouth isn’t something you do but would like to try, you could start incorporating that regularly. Starting to wear a butt plug regularly is an option if you don’t already do so. Larger toys, fisting, depth play, double anal… the possibilities are endless.
If you’re planning on participating, we’d love to hear from you what your plans are, and we’d love to receive updates as you go through Anal Only April to see how it’s going. And you can always stop by the Anal Only Lifestyle forum and chat to talk with other anal only people, share your experiences, get ideas, ask questions, and get advice.