Category: Anal Only April

Since 2018, we’ve been promoting Anal Only April as our annual spring anal only challenge, a time when people new to or curious about the anal only lifestyle can try it out for a month (or less, if they aren’t ready to commit to a whole month). For those who are already anal only, it’s a good opportunity to incorporate something different into their routine.

See also: No Pussy November

Message: Diet for Anal Only

Anonymous: Which diet do u essentially recommend while doing the anal only month? Thx

Any well-balanced diet will do, try to have a healthy amount of dietary fiber and avoid too much fat and you should be fine. The most important thing is to try and get into a fairly consistent digestive routine and be able to listen to your body to know when you need to go to the bathroom, etc.

Message: Excited for Anal Only April

Anonymous: My Sir and I are going to be indulging in Anal April and I am so so excited. It’s hard cause it’s LDR, but I think we will manage. I have a dildo that is similar dimensions to his cock that I have goals to get in my ass so that I can take my Sir once we are finally together. It’s an average one, 6in length and i think like 2-3in diameter. I have a few plugs to train with, but I’m so excited and I just can’t wait!

Congratulations! I’m sure you’ll have an excellent time with it.

Message: Trying Anal Only April for Less Than a Month?

Anonymous: What do you think about trying Anal Only April for a week or two instead of a month? I want to try it but a month is kind of scary to commit to.

Do whatever works for you. If you can’t commit to a month yet, commit to whatever you do feel comfortable with. However, I would suggest that you keep yourself flexible and open to the idea of extending it if you’re enjoying yourself still by the end of whatever length of time you do commit to.

I will say, too, that the reason I suggest a month is because it’s enough time to work through the difficulties some people encounter when increasing the frequency of anal sex and allows you to really settle into a routine with it and get to know it for what it’s actually like longer-term rather than just when doing anal sex intermittently or just a shorter period of time. If you just do it for a week or two, you might never get past that initial period where it still feels like a challenge at times.

Message: Suggestions for Anal Only April

hypnotic-sliverHi, I’m a denial slut and just found the Anal Only April challenge. I’m thinking of participating but I don’t have a partner and don’t want to have to wash up toys every day so I was wondering if you had suggestions of solo activities to keep stimulation fresh and interesting the whole month. BTW I’m already on no touch for my clit unless it’s thundering outside. Lucky for me for this challenge my ass is the one place a vibrator feels good to me. Anywhere else the overestimulation is painful.

The need to wash one’s toys is a fairly small price to pay for the fun and pleasure of being anal only, so I would encourage not letting that get in the way of trying it.

I’d suggest starting with what you already enjoy in terms of anal stimulation—your vibrator, perhaps—and working up from there with an assortment of fingering, dildoing, and butt plug wear. Different people like different things with anal, so you could either explore a variety to see what you like, or if you already know, pursue those things. Some want depth, some want girth, some want a mix, and some just want to fuck their ass in a certain way that gives them a lot of pleasure.

This may not have been a very helpful response, and I apologize if not, but if you have any additional questions I’d be happy to follow up with another response.

Message: Fiance Reluctant To Go Anal Only, Doesn’t Want It To Be Less Special

Anonymous: So I want to go over into either exclusive or mostly anal, but my fiance is reluctant to, because he doesn’t want it to lose the “specialness” or the leverage he has (as a punishment/reward, depending on the day). What are some ways I can convince him?

Anal is inherently a special act, and becoming anal only doesn’t change that. Speaking personally, I found vaginal sex to get boring and bland quite quickly, but after many years of being anal only I’ve never gotten tired of or bored with it. If it’s what you prefer and enjoy much more, it doesn’t stop being special.

Since it sounds like anal is what you prefer and want exclusively, anal as a punishment doesn’t make too much sense for you. Perhaps the threat of vaginal would be a better form of leverage. It doesn’t necessarily ever need to be followed through with, but since you don’t want any vaginal, it can be an effective means of leverage to avoid getting fucked vaginally.

As far as actual punishment, there are all sorts of options that don’t need to involve vaginal sex. Spanking, or pussy slapping for increased sensitivity, clit denial (if your plan to be anal only doesn’t already include this as a default), clit numbing, temporarily going oral only, etc. are all viable options.

Rather than making a permanent commitment to anal only right now, why not try it out together for a month or two and then decide from there once you’ve seen how it is in practice? Anal Only April is coming up soon, it can be a good opportunity to participate in an anal only challenge along with a lot of other people, and to show him how much fun being anal only can be.

The original version of this post on Tumblr received the following response.

alwaysanalblog: I’ve never understood this attitude that more of a good thing somehow diminishes it. I hope it is not too late for her as this is a huge incompatibility if they are to be married. Plenty more fish in the sea and most wouldn’t be so foolish as to turn down anal only.

Message: My Anal Only April Goals

Anonymous: I really like the idea of Anal Only April and we’re going to try it! I’ve wanted to go anal only before but this was a really good excuse to ask my boyfriend if we could try it as a challenge and he agreed! We’re going to try it with no pussy or clit for the entire month (I can cum from anal pretty easily) and my goal anyway is to stay with just anal after too if all goes well but we’ll see what he thinks at the end of the month. Wish me luck!

Fantastic to hear, and exactly what the anal only challenge months like Anal Only April and No Pussy November are intended for—something to inspire people to actually go ahead and try committing to anal only for a month and see how it really is for themselves. It can also be an opportunity for someone who already knows or thinks it’s what they want to explore it together with their partner and see if they want to get on board with the idea as well.

Of course, any month can (and should) be an anal only month, and someone need not wait for one of these events if they and/or their partner is eager to try it, but it can be fun and drive a lot of enthusiasm and participation when lots of people are taking the same challenge together.

Good luck, have fun, and show your partner just how great being anal only can be!

Message: Trying Anal Only April, Should I Go Without My Clit?

Anonymous: My husband reintroduced me to anal sex a few months ago after I’d had bad experiences when I was younger. He did it right and I love it now. I’ve even had my first orgasm without my clit through anal. We saw the advertisement for Anal Only April and we’re going to do it (we’ve actually started already!) but we’re wondering if you recommend going without my clit for the month for someone so new to anal.

Congratulations for your discovery of how great anal can and should be, and for deciding to commit to Anal Only April (with a head start, no less!).

If you can already orgasm from anal without clitoral stimulation, then yes, I definitely encourage you to try Anal Only April without any and just focus on pure anal stimulation and pleasure. The absence of clit stimulation for an extended period will shift your arousal and pleasure centers further towards anal for you, and you’ll likely find it getting easier and easier to orgasm from just anal. If by the end of the month you’re finding it hard to continue without it, you might continue with anal only but add your clit back into the mix.

Have fun!

Message: Girlfriend Apprehensive About Anal Only April

Anonymous: So I’ve talked to my gf about doing anal only April. She seems on board but is a little apprehensive. Any tips?

Talk through any of her concerns well before you seriously consider doing it. Ask her if there’s anything she is worried about. Make sure she knows you want it to be fun and enjoyable for the both of you and that you’re willing to do what it takes to ensure that. It should be a fun, sexy challenge to try together, not something either partner pushes on another.

If she has specific concerns, try to work through them together. If you don’t have all the answers, feel free to ask here.

Announcing Anal Only April 2018

Craving something new? Why not go anal only for a whole month? Challenge yourself to Anal Only April.

Announcing a brand new Anal Only Challenge month! To balance out No Pussy November, we’re adding Anal Only April as another opportunity to introduce yourself or your partner to the anal only lifestyle.

The best way to see what anal only is all about is to dive right into it for at least a month and stay committed to no vaginal sex during that time. This provides you with a clear focus on anal pleasure and gives you time to work out the kinks and develop a routine that works for you. Many people find by the end of a month or two that they really enjoy being anal only and want to stay that way.

Sound like a fun thing to try? In advance of April, start talking with your partner if you have one and get them on board with the idea, then start to prepare your (or your partner’s) ass so it’s ready and eagerly awaiting its use as a complete substitute for vaginal sex. If you don’t have a partner but would like to participate, you can challenge yourself to change your solo play habits to be anal only or to work on developing or improving your ability to orgasm from just anal.

For those who are already anal only, of course, every month is an anal only month. Anal Only April and No Pussy November, however, offer an opportunity to revisit the idea, celebrate how much you enjoy being anal only, and consider if there is anything new you’d like to add to your anal only routine. If you regularly engage in clitoral stimulation, for example, you could challenge yourself to stop that and focus on pure anal pleasure and orgasms instead. If ass to mouth isn’t something you do but would like to try, you could start incorporating that regularly. Starting to wear a butt plug regularly is an option if you don’t already do so. Larger toys, fisting, depth play, double anal… the possibilities are endless.

If you’re planning on participating, we’d love to hear from you what your plans are, and we’d love to receive updates as you go through Anal Only April to see how it’s going. And you can always stop by the Anal Only Lifestyle forum and chat to talk with other anal only people, share your experiences, get ideas, ask questions, and get advice.

Message: Keeping the Anal Only Streak Alive

Anonymous: it’s march 24 and i haven’t had anything in my pussy since january 27, and it’s only been touched for lube. i can’t take it anymore, i need something in my pussy, but starting april 1 i’m going to see how long i can go! this current streak wasn’t even intentional, it just happened, so i want to see how it goes when i try.

Congratulations on making it this far. Do you think you would be able to hold out longer if you played with your clit along with anal? If that’s the factor you need to stay anal only, I think it’s fair to include that as long as it’s combined with anal penetration at the same time.

I usually don’t encourage stopping after a long streak and trying to start again later, as it might be harder to do so, but that’s not always the case, and for some people they find an occasional break now and then drives them to try for longer the next time, and through a cycle of alternating back and forth can be beneficial. Either way, I wish you luck on trying to intentionally go anal only April 1!