Category: Anal Only Challenge

One of the best ways to get into the anal only lifestyle is to try it for an extended period of time. We recommend trying it for a whole month, as it gives you enough time to adjust to the routine and work out the kinks, but some people start just doing it one day a week, or for a weekend, then expand it to one week a month, and slowly work their way up to being anal only for a whole month or more before committing to it long-term.

For our official Anal Only challenges, see the Anal Only April and No Pussy November categories.

Making the Anal Only Commitment

So you know that you love, or prefer anal sex. Maybe you’ve even tried an anal only challenge for a month or two in the past. But you haven’t been able to make the long-term commitment to give up vaginal sex entirely and go anal only for good. There are a few common concerns that keep people from doing so, which this post will address—and hopefully by the end of it, you’ll realize that you don’t need to hang on to the option of vaginal penetration anymore and that it’s time to let it go for good.

Concern That Going Anal Only Will Get Boring

Many couples out there are strongly in favor of anal sex and engage in it as their primary form of sexual activity but continue to keep vaginal in the mix just as a way of “adding variety” out of a fear that if they focus entirely on what they prefer, they’ll get tired of it.

The reality is that, while this is often very much true of vaginal sex, anal is somehow different and one rarely gets tired of it once they adopt it as their primary, default, natural form of having sex. If anything, the craving and excitement and lack of boredom increases the deeper one adopts the anal only lifestyle. Couples have been anal only together for years, even decades, and regularly report no interest in changing back to vaginal, even on occasion. Anal is all they need or want, and their sex lives are better than ever as a result.

Soreness, Injury and Other Health Concerns

A growing number of women prefer anal sex, many privately, some openly, but aren’t yet anal only. Why? Because as much as they prefer it, they still get sore afterwards, or are fearful of injuries as a result of doing “too much” anal sex, or that it will cause health problems later in life if they adopt it as their primary form of sex. So, instead of going all in on anal, they continue primarily having the vaginal sex they don’t like nearly as much and only do anal as an occasional treat.

This is rooted in a number of common myths that ultimately aren’t true or are the result of misunderstandings or poor anal technique and practices.

The most common, soreness from doing anal sex, is actually the result of not warming up properly and not doing anal play or sex often enough. If instead of saving it as a once-or-twice-a-month sort of activity, a woman instead started doing anal play and sex three to five times a week, she would very quickly stop experiencing any soreness or discomfort and would nearly always be ready to enjoy pure anal pleasure. Warming up with fingers, dildos and butt plugs also helps significantly, as does masturbating anally on a regular basis when not having sex, and wearing a plug for more extended periods of time outside of warmup periods. Increased frequency of anal sex and play keeps you warmed up longer and requires less preparation for each subsequent time, so long as you don’t go too long in between.

It is possible to be injured from anal sex, just as it is from vaginal sex. Foreplay and warmup are important, and if you aren’t warmed up and go too fast, you can cause micro tears that take anywhere from a day to a few weeks to heal. This can lead to soreness or more active pain. So just as with the above, it’s important to follow the proper technique, but again, it’s almost always a lack of anal activity followed by trying it occasionally that leads to this. Having anal sex more often, as will happen when going anal only, will make this a non-issue.

Long-term health risks are almost exclusively myths and fear-mongering. So long as you’re practicing safe techniques and not exacerbating existing issues, you can have anal sex every day for your entire life without causing issues. Anal sex does not cause prolapse. Anal sex does not cause incontinence. Anal sex does not cause hemorrhoids. Anal sex uses, stimulates and exercises the anal muscles, strengthening them and improving their health. Having regular anal sex is more likely to result in healthy anal and bowel activity later in life.

A Fear That Excluding Vaginal is Unnatural or Unfeminine and Abnormal

A common concern anal-loving women have had over the years is that while they prefer anal sex and pleasure, they’re hesitant to go completely over to anal and abandon vaginal penetration because they feel like their vagina is what makes them a woman and that it’s somehow unnatural or unfeminine to give up vaginal sex in favor of anal, or that it makes them some sort of pervert or freak.

This couldn’t be further from the truth, and is only the result of established societal norms that unfortunately treat women as support systems for their vagina and uterus and only care about women for their ability to get pregnant and give birth. A woman is far more than a vagina, and however she chooses to have sex, she’s still a woman. Just as a man who prefers anal sex and chooses to only have sex anally is still a man, and not necessarily gay, straight or bi just because of that preference, a woman who chooses to only have anal sex is still a woman.

There’s nothing unnatural about this preference, either. Society has put the idea upon us that sex is about procreation, but that is also far from the truth. For humans in particular, sex is only about procreation a tiny fraction of the time, if at all. The rest of the time, it’s about bonding, intimacy, pleasure, relaxation, and other important things. We very rarely have procreative sex, and very regularly have recreative sex. Since anal is better suited to pleasure than vaginal, and naturally prevents pregnancy in the process, it’s entirely natural that anal sex be the norm and vaginal can be saved purely for getting pregnant.

As for fear of being judged a pervert or a freak, the reality is that we’re all freaks to someone. To an anal only person, someone obsessed with vaginal sex might appear a freak. It’s all a matter of perspective, and we can’t please everyone, so do what pleases you.

Don’t let these things stand in the way of becoming anal only and moving past vaginal penetration and stimulation. Commit to the anal only lifestyle and you won’t ever regret it.

Message: Girls Should Stay Vaginal Virgins

Anonymous: I totally agree with your encouragement for girls to keep their vaginas virgin and to start with anal and only ever do sex that way. I’m in my 30s and I only did anal until my early 20s before I decided to start using my pussy too, basically out of laziness, in order to be easier to date and fuck guys. I never really enjoyed it, and spent a few years kind of miserable and unsatisfied as the guys I dated spent all their time there and barely paid attention to my ass.

After I got out of a long vaginal only relationship where I was really hating myself for what I’d become, I took some time for myself and got back into playing with my ass, wearing butt plugs and riding dildos anally almost every day. I really loved it, and it wasn’t until this time that I was really conscious about what an important role anal and being anal only played for me. I followed one of your anal only challenges and only masturbated anally—not even my clit, as I’ve always been able to orgasm anally and I thought stopping all use of my pussy and clit would be the best way to refocus my sex life back where it belongs—for an entire month, and I’ve just kept going since. I started dating again and was much more selective, making it clear that I’m only interested in anal. I had some good hookups with guys who were okay with skipping my pussy and going straight for my ass.

And now I’m a few months into a new relationship with a guy who loves anal almost as much as I do. Things are going great, and we’re both really happy with being anal only. But I really wish I hadn’t spent so many years wasting my life on vaginal and my biggest regret is that I didn’t stay a vaginal virgin. So if you’re a vaginal virgin right now who is interested in or practicing the anal only lifestyle, listen to the advice and stay that way. You’ll never regret being an anal only vaginal virgin, but you will regret giving up your vaginal virginity.

Thank you for sharing, and well said! As I’ve commented before, you can only give up your vaginal virginity once, so if you have hesitations about doing so, don’t do it. If you do, it’s not the biggest deal in the world, and you can (and likely will, as you’ve discovered) end up back in the anal only lifestyle eventually because vaginal will never compare to the pleasures and benefits of being purely anal only, but there’s something special about choosing to keep your vagina completely unused and focusing purely on anal pleasure and sex, so if that’s still an option for you—take it!

Message: Anal Only Summer

ButtBabe: Hey! I want to share an idea I had after reading this blog. I’m not anal only right now but I do anal probably 80% or 90% of the time and really only use my pussy for sex if I can’t do anal or if I’m having a threesome. But it’s not my first choice and I think the idea of doing just anal and making it a choice not to ever do vaginal is really hot!

So I was thinking of making this summer anal only and see how it goes. I would start at the beginning of June and go through July, which is when I’m off from school. Since I wouldn’t have many responsibilities in the summer compared to during school I could keep my ass ready for sex more easily and just do it all the time.

What do you think?

I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. You’ll be able to focus fully on it and staying in top shape for frequent anal sex. Dedicating a full two months to anal only will really show you what it’s all about to focus 100% on anal, and since you’re already a very anal-centric person, I’m sure that you’ll notice a lot of subtle, and maybe some not-so-subtle, improvements over continuing to use your vagina intermittently.

I will say, if you really enjoy yourself during the summer, just keep going with anal only. After two months of anal only, your ass will be well adjusted to the routine and I’m sure you’ll be able to go full time even during a regular school/life routine. Rather than seeing this as a short term summer thing to do, see it as an opportunity to spend a few months getting ready to go fully anal only long-term. And, if you already know you want to do this, why not get started now? Just keep doing anal regularly as you already do, and when you get to a situation where you would do vaginal, just don’t do it and either do anal or oral instead. No point delaying your goals if you can get started sooner and get even more time in.

Message: Starting to Subside

Vince: So I thought I’d give an update it’s the 22nd and I haven’t touched my penis. The strong urge to touch has subsided I have almost zero urge to touch my penis. The only thing I have struggled with this month is there’s times I can’t get off from just anal and then I have to just give up for the night and try again the next day. It’s both frustrating and kinda arousing cuz then I get turned on and can’t wait for the next day hopefully soon I’ll have completely zero urge to touch myself.

Well done and congratulations. Keep going and it will just keep getting better for you the more you do!

Message: Anal Only Surprise

BillW: I didn’t post earlier as I didn’t know how this was going to go, but I wanted to share our Anal Only April story now that the month is over.

My wife and I have done anal once or twice a month since we started dating and she always enjoyed it but for whatever reason we just never did it more often. I’ve started wanting it more but didn’t know how to bring it up. I guess I was worried she would see it as some sort of rejection of her vagina or of her as a woman if I said I wanted to do anal more instead.

When I saw your Anal Only April post, I thought this sounded like a good way to introduce it, as a fun challenge and something relatively short-term at first. Just something new to try, you know? So I told her about it and asked if she’d be interested. She said she’d think about it, but by the end of the day when I got home from work she had her butt plug in and she told me she wanted me in her ass, and as I was sliding inside her, she said I could do her in the ass every day for all of April.

Obviously, I was very excited and we fucked hard and fast and I came deep inside her ass more than once that night, and every night for the month. The more we did it, the easier it got, and within a week she was able to go straight to anal without any warmup. She’d always been able to orgasm from anal, but it didn’t happen every time or come easily for her some of the time. A few weeks in, though, she was cumming multiple times nearly every time we had sex without even touching her pussy. It was like an anal awakening for her, and we were both loving it.

Last week, she told me that if she’d known having anal more often would be like this, she would have wanted to start doing this years ago. I told her that I had always loved her ass and had wanted to do more anal with her for a while but hadn’t known how to say it. She called me silly and said I should have just told her and she would have done it. So let that be a lesson and talk to your partner about what you want!

Now that the month is over, we’ve talked about what we want to do from here. I know you encourage sticking with anal only if it went well for the month and everyone enjoyed it, and we talked about if we wanted to stay anal only or go back to using her pussy some of the time. When I asked her what she thought, she answered immediately that she didn’t miss vaginal sex at all but if she stopped doing anal she would definitely miss that, and said that she thought that said everything for her.

So we’re not going back to vaginal, and I guess we’re anal only from now on. I’m really excited, and so is she! Thank you for the inspiration and helping us get to this point.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience, and congratulations to the both of you. You won’t miss vaginal or regret going anal only, and I have no doubt you’ll never look back if you both had such a strong shift and positive experience from this month of anal only.

If she’s continuing to have pure anal orgasms so easily, I’d encourage committing to excluding clit stimulation entirely if she hasn’t already. Once anal only orgasms start to become easier, clit stimulation just gets in the way of better orgasms and is no longer necessary. Going entirely without it long-term will further develop and amplify the anal orgasms.

Anal Only April 2019 is Over

Craving something new? Why not go anal only for a whole month? Challenge yourself to Anal Only April.

It’s always a sad day when one of our anal only challenge months ends, because they can tend to be a whirlwind of fun activity as everyone gets involved and builds off each other’s enthusiasm for sexual exploration and the anal only lifestyle to all support and encourage each other to go anal only together, but it’s also a time for celebration for all those who made it through a month of anal only and came out the other side no doubt improved in various ways.

If you’ve stayed anal only all month and found yourself really enjoying it and not especially missing vaginal sex, don’t let this be the end. Keep the streak going, see how far you make it, or even just commit to long term anal only if you feel that’s what you now want. If a month of anal only feels great, think of how amazing two or three months, six months, or a year and beyond will feel! It just keeps getting better.

If you are just discovering this now, or haven’t have a chance to try it yet, it’s not too late to get started! You can start your own month-long anal only challenge at any time!

Don’t forget to check in with us now that the month is over and let us know how your Anal Only April went, what your experiences were, what you learned, and whether you plan on continuing with long-term anal only going forward!

Message: Missed Anal Only April

Jessi: I just found your Anal Only April posts and am really disappointed because I would have loved to have tried that with my boyfriend but the month is almost over now. ?

Anal Only April and No Pussy November are just months we promote actively to encourage more people to try and experience the anal only lifestyle for themselves. It’s not at all the only opportunity to be anal only, and you shouldn’t limit yourself to those months only.

Even though the month is nearly over, why not just start now and go through the end of May as your own anal only month?

The reason for it being a month long is that it’s a good amount of time for the average person to get through any initial challenges of being anal only in the first week or two and then get a few weeks of experiencing what it’s really like to be anal only and eliminate vaginal sex.

By the end of the month, many people find that they prefer being anal only and don’t want to return to vaginal sex. So at the end of May, consider how you feel, and if you really enjoyed your month, don’t go back to vaginal and just stick with the joy and pleasure of anal only.

No Reason for Pussy After Trying Anal Only

A common theme among those who have tried going anal only for a month or more is that there’s no reason, no interest, no desire to go back to vaginal sex after having tried anal only and seen its benefits.

Anal sex provides more pleasure, more intimacy, more arousal and more overall benefits than vaginal can offer, and going anal only for an extended period of time not only reveals those benefits, it also amplifies them through the exclusion of lesser forms of stimulation and quickly builds the desire to not return to vaginal.

Countless men and women have gone into a month of anal only skeptical that they’d want to stay that way, feeling as if they’d miss vaginal and want to return to it, and being surprised within a few weeks when they realize that they enjoy being anal only so much more and don’t miss vaginal at all, instead discovering that they have a strong desire to stick with anal only.

Some women, after going anal only for several months, decide to try vaginal again to see if they still enjoy it compared to anal, and almost universally they find that it’s nowhere near as pleasurable, if not even somewhat uncomfortable now, and it strengthens their desire to shift fully to anal going forward after such an experiment.

So, why not try it for yourself and see what effects it has for you? Go anal only for a month or more, and see what happens to your urges and desires for vaginal. More likely than not, you’ll be sticking with anal only for good before you know it.

Message: Anal Only April is Awesome!

Lily: Hi! I’ve been a fan of your blog since Tumblr but I was with a boyfriend who wasn’t into anal more than once a month or so and thought anal was just supposed to be a rare treat. It was so weird, I was asking him for it more often and he was the one who wanted it less! Well, we broke up around Christmas and I started seeing a new guy last month who loves anal! When I saw your announcement for Anal Only April I showed it to him and he agreed wholeheartedly that we should do it.

We’ve been doing anal almost every day since then (we started early because we were so excited to try it, so really we’re already a month in) and we’ve been talking about it throughout and both agree it’s so much better to not use my pussy at all anymore. It makes me so hot and horny and feels so amazing to have his cock in my ass every day and knowing that’s where it’s going every time instead of my pussy. It makes my ass twitch just thinking about it and when I get horny I feel it in my ass now more than my pussy. We’re just totally on board 100% with anal only and I think we both agree there’s no going back now.

That’s awesome! Congratulations on finding a great partner who shares your enthusiasm for anal and who understands the importance of being anal only. Since you’re already a month in and already don’t want to go back, I’m sure that by the end of the April you’ll be even more firmly set into your new routine and committed to living the anal only lifestyle for good.

Challenge Yourself to Anal Only

If you’re reading this and aren’t already anal only, what are you waiting for? Even if you think you would miss vaginal, if you haven’t actually tried going anal only for an extended period of time yet, you won’t know until you do. Countless men and women over the years have had the same concern until trying anal only for a month or more and discovering that anal more than satisfies all their needs and vaginal offers nothing unique that anal doesn’t already have covered—and what’s more, the elimination of vaginal actually amplifies the anal and makes it even better than in combination with continued vaginal penetration.

You owe it to yourself to go anal only for at least a month, if not longer, and see what it’s really like.