Category: Anal Only Challenge

One of the best ways to get into the anal only lifestyle is to try it for an extended period of time. We recommend trying it for a whole month, as it gives you enough time to adjust to the routine and work out the kinks, but some people start just doing it one day a week, or for a weekend, then expand it to one week a month, and slowly work their way up to being anal only for a whole month or more before committing to it long-term.

For our official Anal Only challenges, see the Anal Only April and No Pussy November categories.

Message: Anal Only Orgasm Denial Is Driving Me Crazy

Anonymous: I’m practicing anal only orgasm denial (didn’t know anal only August was a thing until today!) and I decided to challenge myself. Today, I wore a thick, penis-shaped plug to work. I still have it in as I write this and it’s making me so wet feeling a cock up my ass in public. I feel like I’m squirming at my desk and it’s driving me crazy. All I can think about is the fullness of my ass, the emptiness of my pussy, and I had to tell somebody. I’m losing my mind (in the best way). ?

Thank you for sharing! Having a full ass and an empty pussy is an amazing feeling, isn’t it? That feeling right there, along with the increased pleasure and arousal from being anal only, as well as better opportunities for intimacy and more, are why so many go and stay anal only, not just as a short term challenge, but long term. It really is a much better way to be.

Update-Engagement-Anal Only-Amazing Followers-Asks

ilikeitintheass: Over 11k followers and counting. I’m always surprised when I see that number growing. Thank you. I know I don’t post as much (in terms of updates). As you can all imagine, I have a busy life now that I’m in a relationship. So since I have the time, I wanted to tell you all what I’ve been up to lately and also where I am currently in terms of being Anal Only.

The big news, is that my boyfriend proposed and I said yes. We are planning on getting married soon. This arrangement of course works with our partner who is living with us. I’ve known him for most of my life and this is the perfect step for us at this time. We both envision our lives together, through it all. We will continue to have an open relationship, and we will continue to live with our partner as long as she will have us. We have so much love for each other but we also understand the complexity of this kind of relationship.

The other news is that I am now officially Anal Only. I have been for exactly one month, but I didn’t want to jinx it. So now you all know. The rules (our rules), is for me to experience anal only, without clit stimulation (but this is not a hard rule, like it was the last time). If it does happen, then it happened. This is mainly because my girl loves my clit and loves to go down on me and sometimes she’s just in the mood to do that. By going Anal only, I do take something away from her, and this is the best compromise. My boyfriend/fiance, is happy to go anal only completely with me, so in the least, there won’t be any clit stimulation with him. Another obvious rule is that there won’t be any vaginal stimulation or penetration meanwhile. This honestly works perfectly as I can get off the pill, it’s not my favorite thing in the world.

I think it’s the perfect time, since August is known for being ANAL ONLY AUGUST, so I will try to post about my anal journey and experiments and orgasms. I will also try to have anal stimulation everyday, whether I have an orgasm or I don’t. Even if it’s just wearing a plug to a meeting or something like that.

So stay tuned. Thank you once again for your interest. My ask box is open I’m sure you’ll have questions for me about everything I wrote. 🙂

Message: Next Steps for Anal Only Training

For more details on anal only training and all things relating to anal and the anal only lifestyle, visit our Anal Sex Advice & Guide to the Anal Only Lifestyle page!

Anonymous: I’ve been training my ass for a while now and yesterday I took up a larger toy and i got so horny because i arrived to this level while a couple months ago I couldn’t even put my finger. I’m trying to go anal only and havent touched my pussy for a week and doing anal play only and it’s dripping wet i can feel the wetness on my thighs all day long, sometimes I add clothespins on my labia for more exquisite torture, do you have a task for me to extend AO training ? Ps : i love your blog

First of all, congratulations on moving to a larger toy and on trying to go anal only! Obviously, I encourage and approve of such things, and hope that you continue to stick with anal only long-term!

It sounds like you’re trying to go anal only on your own, rather than with a partner. There’s nothing at all wrong with that, and when it comes to initial anal training I actually often suggest exploring it on your own first so you get to know about it on your own terms and in the future can go into it with less uncertainty and more confidence when you try it with a partner. For some people, it can also be more challenging, because with the anal only aspect, you don’t have any accountability except to yourself, and it can feel easier to give up when it gets hard, which in turn can feel like a failure if you “give in” to old urges.

But if that happens, you shouldn’t see it as a failure, you should see it as a natural part of the process of switching your urges to anal instead of vaginal. It doesn’t happen overnight if you already very much enjoy and have primarily stimulated yourself vaginally or clitorally until now. Definitely keep trying to push your limits and go as long as you can, but if you can’t take it anymore and end up masturbating vaginally or clitorally again, just dive back in after and try again. Each time around see if you can go longer than the time before!

To answer your question more directly, however, what I generally recommend for people struggling with going anal only in their solo play and wanting to avoid touching their pussy is: Any time you feel the urge to touch your pussy, rub and finger or use a toy in your ass instead. The hornier you get, the more enthusiastically you play with your ass. Take all that arousal coming from your pussy and clit and redirect it to your ass. In time, that arousal will start naturally shifting to your ass instead. If your clit is a big distraction to you and makes it too hard to resist, try some anesthetic cream like Orajel on your clit to numb it temporarily while you masturbate.

And finally, if you find that the clitoral denial aspect of anal only is too much for you, always remember that you can be anal only without giving up your clit. Most anal only women only engage in anal penetration during masturbation and sex but still combine clitoral stimulation with anal as needed. Some edge clitorally, some orgasm clitorally. Others get all they need from their ass. Experiment with all the options, but ultimately what’s best for you is something that you’ll need to figure out for yourself.


Message: How to Get to Fully Anal Only?

Anonymous: I have been dating my girl friend for a year now, beginning 2018 i started anal only Fridays. Last month we started vaginal only Friday and Anal Only every other day of the week. Any ideas to get her to be anal only 24/7 365?

I’d suggest keeping up your current routine a few more months to really firmly establish it—85% anal is pretty good!—and then from there talk to her about shifting to fully anal only. If she still had some lingering desire for vaginal, commit to just a few months of pure anal only to begin with, and then if it’s a success drop pussy entirely after that and don’t look back.

Message: Anal Only August This Year?

Anonymous: Will you be encouraging your followers to participate in anal only august this year? I definitely wanna give it a go but im scared!

Since we do No Pussy November every year, and August is comparatively close to November, as of this year we switched to promoting Anal Only April instead of August. That said, everyone is encouraged to go anal only at any time of the year, it’s just that we actively promote the challenge during April and November. If you do try it in August, or any other time, be sure to share your experiences just the same!

Message: Anal Only Birthday Gift

Anonymous: For my husband’s birthday I let him do whatever he wanted to me, so he took his birthday and the next day (this past weekend) and we spent both days fucking around the house. He wanted me naked, so I stayed naked, and more pertinently to this blog he didn’t want to bother with my pussy so he didn’t. We just alternated between him fucking my ass and me sucking his dick whenever he wanted either. I don’t know if I’d want to go anal only permanently but I’d definitely enjoy doing that weekend again

Sounds like a lovely birthday gift! Since it was something you ended up enjoying, I would definitely suggest exploring anal only more.

You certainly don’t have to commit fully to it up front or anything, maybe just start by having an anal only weekend once or twice a month, and if that works out well, maybe every weekend could be anal only. If it continues to be fun for you and you feel yourself wanting more of it, then just gradually increase the amount of time you spend being anal only.

Thanks for sharing!

Message: Another Anal Only Month?

naughtygirlxx69Hey, maybe you should do another anal only month in June. Call it Just Butt June ?? Ps I love cock in my ass. Best fucking feeling ??

At present, there are two “official” anal only challenge months each year: Anal Only April and No Pussy November. These are (roughly) spaced out throughout the year, at times that are conducive to a lot of people participating. (And they coincide with good naming opportunities…) We probably won’t be adding any other officially promoted months life that at this time.

However! Those months are just occasional promotions to encourage people to try going anal only, with the ultimate goal of people choosing to go anal only on their own and stay that way long term, well beyond and outside of those months. So if you’re interested in going anal only, just go for it! When it’s already something you want for yourself, a month or longer commitment at first is a great way to get started and stick with it long enough to get into the habit and develop a sustainable anal only routine. And if by the end of the month you’re still loving it, just keep going. Be sure to post about it and share your experiences to help inspire other people to do the same!

You’re right, anal is the best feeling in the world. You should enjoy it as much as you possibly can.

Message: We Did Anal Only April, Now I Only Want to Masturbate Anally

Anonymous: I never commented about it here but my boyfriend follows you and convinced me to do Anal Only April, which we did successfully. I don’t know if I want to go completely anal only, but I am considering at least getting rid of my vaginal-specific sex toys like my rabbit vibe and trying to only masturbate anally from now on. Could you give me some motivation for that? Maybe some anal masturbation tips?

Thanks for the message! I know there are a lot more people who try out things like Anal Only April and No Pussy November than those who talk about them publicly online, and it’s always nice to hear from more people and whether they succeeded, failed, had a good time, struggled, etc.

Focusing on anal only masturbation going forward sounds like a great idea! It can really make anal something very personal and help you focus on developing it into your primary pleasure source. It’s something I really encourage to help get into the anal only mindset and pursue pure anal pleasure. It can also, for many, really increase arousal levels, but everyone’s different in this regard. So I definitely think you should do that!

As far as tips, do a lot of experimentation. Use your fingers. Rub around the outside lightly as a warmup until you feel yourself relax, slip inside, add fingers if you want a stretch, try spreading your fingers inside your ass, explore for spots that feel particularly good to focus on, etc. A good dildo to fuck yourself with and ride is great to have as well, and experiment with angles and depth there as well to find things that feel really good and keep focusing on them. If you find something that feels like it could make you cum, keep doing it and see where it takes you. And get a butt plug or two if you don’t have any, for passive stimulation/training.

Good luck! Keep enjoying anal and keep it fun! Always feel free to share or ask any other questions that may pop up.

Message: No Intention of Going Back to Vaginal

Anonymous: Easter anon again. At the beginning of April as I said I was looking forward to doing vaginal again, I said to myself as soon as May rolled around my pussy would get some attention. Now we’re in May and we haven’t even talked about vaginal. I don’t know why, even though I haven’t had an actual orgasm since, well, March, I’ve enjoyed this past month so much it’s just more appealing now whether I can orgasm from it or not. For now at least we have no intention of going back to vaginal.

Congratulations! I think that’s a great decision to not return to vaginal. As you’ve discovered, it’s a lot more enjoyable to be anal only, and anal is a lot better even without orgasms than vaginal with. After all, there’s a reason so many people keep going anal only—it’s not just a kink or a fetish, there really are reasons and advantages to doing so and once you get enough into the routine you really tend to not want to stop and go back to the way things were with vaginal. Enjoy! It just keeps getting better from here.

It’s Over

littlegirl1222: Finishing off April was a bit harder than I thought it would be after having an orgasm… I had to really immerse myself with other things to ignore the want to touch my clit, but I managed!

I’m pretty proud of myself! Now that I CAN touch my clit I’m a bit hesitant…. I’m not sure why…..

Maybe because going anal only for the month unlocked something that felt right inside of you and you feel the need for more of the same?

The original version of this post on Tumblr received the following responses.

littlegirl1222: ? fuck
dom-plays-with-dolls: That moment of humiliated realization when someone calls you out on your newly-discovered obsession with anal…after only one measly month.
msyounoavailable: and that’s how you get hooked on new kinks, at one point you just realize something turns you on 😀