Category: Butt Plugs

Message: I Want To Be An Anal Slut

bbcsnatchai want to be an anal slut. i’m really getting into dp too. so far i’ve had a butt plug in (the hooks used to keep it in place are uncomfortable) i want to give my ass to my big daddy but i don’t know where to start 25/f/tx

Is your goal to become anal only, or just to incorporate anal sex into your life? As an advocate of the anal only lifestyle, I’m obviously going to strongly encourage you to pursue a transition to anal only, but if anal sex is still something you’re working towards at this point, the first stage should generally be learning to enjoy it and make it a regular part of your sex life before working to replace vaginal fully with anal, unless you’re interested in and committed to making a rapid transition.

Keep using your butt plug regularly. Perhaps start with a process of only rubbing your clit or orgasming when masturbating if you have your plug or another toy in your ass at the same time, to further develop an association between anal stimulation and pleasure, arousal, and orgasms.

Start using dildos to masturbate anally. Start on the smaller end, with something you’re easily comfortable with, and work up gradually from there until reaching around the size of your partner. Take as little or as much time as you need to get to where you can comfortably fit it. If something starts to hurt in the process, take things slow, back off if necessary, spend a little more time with something smaller, then try again. With gradual easing up in size, you shouldn’t experience pain. It might feel a little unusual or briefly uncomfortable until you adjust to it, but it shouldn’t be painful. As you start out, combining clit stimulation with anal penetration can help you learn to relax as well as transforming what might feel a little uncomfortable into pleasure instead. Long term, I encourage people to experiment with transitioning to pure anal pleasure without clitoral stimulation, but your clit can be helpful when first training.

Once you feel confident you’re ready to try it with your partner, go through a warmup either yourself beforehand or together, working up in the sizes to relax and prepare your ass, then lube him up and gently ease him in. Take the control for the initial penetration and slowly slide your ass onto his cock, stopping or slowing or backing off as necessary. When he’s fully penetrated, just stay there a moment while you adjust to his size, and then slowly start moving. Once you’re comfortable with a pace, let him take over more. If it gets to be too much, make sure he knows to slow or stop when you say. You likely won’t need to stop altogether, but a brief pause with him still inside you but just resting a moment, or pulling out partway, can give you the adjustment you need before resuming.

It’s a learning process the first few times, and it can take some back and forth and starting and stopping, but if you stick with it you’ll get there, and you’ll love it.

Message: Advice for Anal Only Newbies

thatsnicestigz: Me and my gf just started the anal only life, got any advice for newbies?

You’ve made an excellent choice, well done.

Have sex regularly. Experiment with butt plugs and other toys between having sex. The more use her ass gets on a regular basis, the easier it is to do anal consistently and the less impediments there are to staying strictly anal only.

Enjoy how much better being anal only together is. Let it bring you closer together. Talk openly about it and discuss any issues or concerns as you may encounter them and figure out how to work through them together. Be sure to express to each other how much you enjoy being anal only, too.

Message: My Dick Is Too Big For Anal With Her

115753: My girl friend says my dick is to big to have anal sex and hurts her. How can I change that?

Focus on anal play and training with her for a while instead, if she’s willing. Rim her, massage and finger her ass while eating/rubbing her pussy, get her a butt plug or two, work up over time to a dildo a little smaller than you, etc. If you ease up in size gradually, any reasonable size can be comfortably fit anally with enough practice and patience.

I’d suggest reading through the Anal Advice category for more detailed specifics.

Message: How to Start Anal Training With Butt Plugs

vampgurl86: So Friday I will be receiving my training plugs. I love anal and some how have not ever had a set. I was curious should I start out just masturbating with them or wearing them at night or all day.

It depends somewhat on what your goal is. Masturbating with them in is a good easy way to get started and get comfortable with them. If you want to use them as training plugs, also try wearing them at times outside of masturbation and see how long you can keep them in. If a smaller size poses no challenge, or stops posing a challenge after wearing it a while, go to the next size for training purposes and repeat until you reach the largest one. I would start doing this during the daytime and in controlled private situations, and ease into doing it overnight or during day to day activities in public once you know you’re comfortable with them long-term at home.

Message: Anal Plugs Uncomfortable In Everyday Life

Anonymous: so i’m slowly taking steps to having more anal (might try anal only, but that’s a ways down the road). my issue is while i like plugs while masturbating or having sex, i simply can’t get used to wearing them in everyday life. i try to put one in and get dressed to go to the store, and it gets so uncomfortable (not hurting, but not a good feeling) that i have to take it out before i leave the house. is there anything i can try to help this?

That’s a normal part of the process for some people, and the best way to deal with it is to wear your plug regularly, but in controlled environments like at home, up until the point where it becomes uncomfortable. Then take it out until you’re ready to put it back in again. (If you’re ready to keep doing it right away, try just taking it out for a little while and putting back in again, otherwise wait a bit longer.) Next time, try to go a little bit longer than before. If you’re comfortable doing so, push your limits a little past the point of slight discomfort, but not into pain.

As you keep doing this, you’ll start relaxing more and learning to have something comfortably in your ass without discomfort. It’s not uncommon for people to start out with a plug becoming uncomfortable after 15 to 20 minutes if they already have a little anal experience, and sometimes less. But with practice you can easily get to where it will be comfortable going out in public with it in, wearing it all night, or even 24/7.

Another factor can be the plug material and the type of/how much lube you’re using. Silicone plugs are softer and less rigid, but have a bit more surface friction that can cause an uncomfortable feeling if you don’t have enough lube or it dries out. Glass and steel plugs are harder and smoother and can get by with less lube.

Hope that helps!

Message: Best Things To Use For Anal Masturbation

Anonymous: Heya! Quick question, what are the best things to use to when masturbating anal only? Dildos? Butt plugs? Beads? Any help would be amazing 🙂

If all you have is your fingers, that can work. A butt plug is great for warmup or as something to wear passively when you aren’t masturbating to keep your thoughts and focus on your asshole (and just because it feels good to have your ass filled and stretched open). Beads are sort of a hybrid, they can be more passive, or they can be used actively as you push them in and pull them out. A dildo is the ultimate anal masturbation tool for a lot of people, and one with a good suction cup can let you really go at it hands-free.

Some manage to repurpose other objects for anal masturbation—vegetables, fruit, bottles, etc. With a bit of care, it can be done safely, but make sure to avoid using something with a risk of slipping inside and getting lost. Anal toys and dildos often have a base of some sort that makes this more difficult.

Enjoy your anal only masturbation!

Message: Staying Ready For Anal

Anonymous: How can I keep myself ready for anal? Sometimes my husband gets to my ass before I’m completely cleaned out. Should i just be ok with it being messy?

Sometimes anal is just a little bit messy and it’s not that big of a deal, however you can do things to minimize the chances.

If you have anal sex most or every day, try a schedule of cleaning after going to the bathroom each day rather than just before sex. It doesn’t need to be much, just a small amount of warm water to flush out the rectum (but no deeper) several times.

Wearing a butt plug regularly can help as well—it not only helps you keep more in tune with that part of your body and know how you feel, the stimulation helps clean yourself out naturally if necessary, and removing it before sex helps you verify that you’re clean.

Message: Too Much Anal?

Anonymous: Is there such a thing as too much anal? I can easily have sex 2-3 times a day. I really would call myself addicted as I feel a real ache, a longing, an emptiness when I’m not filled. Should I give in and wear my plug too?

If you’re properly trained and warmed up for it, you can have as much anal as you want. If it hurts or you start getting sore, then you might be doing it to much and should take a break for a day or two until you aren’t sore anymore. Just listen to your body. If your body needs more anal, give it more anal. If anal is starting to hurt or become uncomfortable, back off it a little bit. Try to strike that balance.

Wearing a plug can help to satisfy some of those needs while also keeping you warmed up for more frequent sex. Win win.