Category: Butt Plugs

Message: Advice for Moving to Next Size Plug

kitti3-prizeWhat’s your beat advice for moving up to the next size plug? I can’t seem to get past the widest part but the smaller one slides in easily. This is for Serious anal training. I can already take cock without much prep. The widest part is 2.3 inches

Keep trying, sometimes a new toy can take a while to get in for the first time. Try getting it in, push up to the edge of discomfort (but not into pain) and hold there a moment, then back off and try again. In between every few cycles of that, switch to the smaller plug (or different toy if you have something between both sizes) and slide it in and out a few times, then go back to the bigger one. Repeat as needed. You’ll get there eventually, but don’t push it too fast. If it doesn’t seem like you’ll get it in today, for example, don’t force it, put in your smaller plug again and try again tomorrow.

Good luck and enjoy your new toys!

Message: Love My Plug, Want More

Anonymous: Absolutely love wearing my plug, I just want someone to fuck me in the ass so we can start ignoring my pussy

You can start by ignoring your pussy on your own and have fun being anal only in your solo play. This is a good way to start getting into the anal only mindset even if you don’t have a partner interested in it yet. Instead of masturbating vaginally, do everything anally—either wearing a plug, fingering your ass, or using a dildo. If you need clitoral stimulation to enjoy anal, feel free to incorporate that as well, but only when something is in your ass at the same time. If you’d like to explore the idea of being anal only without clitoral stimulation, give that a try, but don’t feel obligated to exclude all clitoral stimulation unless that appeals to you or works best.

As far as getting someone to fuck you in the ass—once you feel ready, try asking. You’ll find plenty of guys will be eager to do so.

I love my plug

acuntdenied: I swear nothing feels better than that delicious stretch of putting a plug in. I love to hold it at the widest point and feel my muscles try and clench pointlessly at it. Knowing that they will soon give up. I slide it all the way in my body reacts instantly. My cunt feels empty and starts to drool.

It is as if my cun knows it isn’t supposed to have anything in it, only my superior ass hole is. The whole process makes me super horny and submissive. The plug as a constant reminder of my worthless, denied cunt.

Message: Worried About My First Time Anal

Anonymous: I’m an anal virgin, I use plugs and use the biggest one in my set, but I am really worried about my first time with my partner. I’m worried that he either won’t fit or that it will hurt because ass immediately starts tightening up as soon as I remove my plug. Any advice?

Plugs are a fantastic element of anal training, but you can and should try using a dildo as well, and work to getting up to around the size of, or a little larger than, your partner’s penis. Use the plug in between the dildo masturbation to further supplement it.

It’s normal for your ass to tighten back up after use. The upper extent of your anal elasticity is what’s more important.

Plugged, again

acuntdenied: After a week of not being plugged I am again. I can’t believe how right this feels. I forgot how much i love the weight, heft and the way it keeps me stretched and how wet and empty my cunt is in comparison.

I am also pleased how it went in without any problems. My tight little hole isn’t as tight and little as it was.

Message: Almost Lost My Butt Plug

Anonymous: Almost lost my butt plug when I was playing with it. I accidentally pushed it and I felt it start to slip to far, luckily I thought quickly enough to push it out. I’m gonna have to tighten up a bit before I use one of my small ones again

Sounds like you don’t need to “tighten up”, you just need to upgrade to wearing bigger plugs or ones that are shaped better to stay in place comfortably.

Message: Leakage After Removing Plug

Anonymous: Um hi, any advice for leakage after removing the plug? I just got a plug and I try to make sure I’m clean before I put it in and it seems sometimes after I remove it I find little bit of a leak in my panties. I love the feeling of it, but I don’t want to risk my partner seeing.

Go to the bathroom before wearing it, and if you want to clean out further, use a small enema bulb/anal douche with just a little bit of warm water several times to flush out the rectum but no deeper. Shouldn’t need anymore than that.

No Pussy November 2017 is Over

This November Experience A Month of Exclusive Anal Sex - Join Us In The Fifth Annual No Pussy November

No Pussy November 2017 has officially come to an end, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to be over!

If you participated this year and made it through the month and enjoyed being anal only, why not commit to staying that way indefinitely? It doesn’t have to be a permanent commitment, just keep going and see where it takes you. Most people find it just keeps getting better the more you stay anal only.

If you missed No Pussy November this year, don’t worry! Just because we celebrate this particular month more publicly, any month is a good month to try becoming anal only! If the idea interests you, get your partner on board any time of the year and declare pussy off limits for a period of time to really focus on anal and try out the anal only lifestyle. Several weeks works as a starting point for some people, but a month is usually best as a real introduction to full time anal only, and some find it takes several months to really stick. Whatever you end up doing, if you have a desire to become anal only, give it a try with a short term commitment and see how it works for you before making a long term commitment.

I Wish I Could Close My Pussy and Be An Anal Only Slut

confessionkink: I am really into anal, like its the only thing that gets me off for some reason, i don’t enjoy men fucking my pussy any more and i don’t mind sucking dick but what really makes me cum like crazy is deep anal fucking. I wish i could just close off my pussy and be an anal only slut.

I almost always wear a butt plug everyday, when i masturbate i only fuck my ass, i even got an 18 inch double ended dildo that i take all of, i just push it in and enjoy how good it feels. I want to find a man that understands that i don’t want my pussy used at all.