Category: Butt Plugs

Message: Improve My Anal Skills

Anonymous: How can i improve mi anal skills sir? I want to be an anal slut

Practice regularly. Start to masturbate anally instead of vaginally—any time you masturbate, make sure you either finger your ass, wear a plug, or use a dildo anally. Start wearing a plug often even when not masturbating. Do this approximately daily for a few weeks and you should already notice an increase in your anal abilities and skills.

Message: Advice on Fissures, Bowels & Plugs

intersexboi: Dear Sir, I’am an intersexed boy slave and am currently training to be an anal slut to please my Master. But I’m having some issues and hope You could help. 1) I am extremely sensitive so I need lots of lube to not get fissures. Will that get better? 2) My bowels are easily triggered, will that get better as well? 3) I’ve read your exquisit advice on wearing a plug daily, how long would you recommend wearing it for starters? Thanks in advance for Your time & effort, Sir!

If you are experiencing fissures from anal play or sex, you’re doing too much too quickly. Stick with smaller, gentler play and the use of semi-small plugs for now until you can do so regularly with no pain or injury, and gradually work up in size from that point, incrementally increasing the size and again sticking at that size until you can consistently play without injuring yourself, and repeat.

If by your bowels being triggered you mean you get an uncomfortable feeling of needing to go to the bathroom, that will often fade as you learn more to focus on anal pleasure points and distinguish between the need to poop vs. something being in your ass for sexual reasons. If you mean it’s triggering an actual need to poop, then you should clean yourself out more before sex and play (or else have gone too deep with an enema and sped things along). If your digestive habits are fairly consistent and reliable, you can generally just get away with a small anal douche to flush out the rectum and nothing further. Going deeper into the colon requires a lot more work, and a partial job will just make more of a mess than doing nothing at all. Wearing a butt plug for a while before play/sex can also help speed anything along in advance if you’re on the edge of needing to poop.

The maximum time to wear a plug should always be for as long as you feel comfortable wearing it. If it starts to hurt or become uncomfortable, take it out and try again later. With practice, you’ll be able to comfortably wear one for longer.

Message: Anal Only Since Pregnancy, Frustrated But Loving It, Part 3

Hi, it’s again the housewife whose husband went anal only. My husband and I never talked about masturbation, it’s just something that I instinctively avoided before. During sex, I never rubbed my clitoris for example because I felt it would be rude to masturbate when you make love – I’d rather have my partner do it or not have it at all. And masturbating alone was weird to me for a married woman. That attitude probably helped me when my husband started to ignore my clitoris and orgasm needs.

Anyway, I did what I said in my previous message, I started masturbating my ass just before the time I knew my husband would come home from work so he “surprises” me. It was amazing. He just smiled at me and sat on a chair, looking awesome in his work suit, and told me to keep going. After a while, he took his cock out of his suit and started to jack off slowly, it was so hot. Then he joined me, removed the dildo from my ass, put it in my mouth, and fucked me like that, all dressed up.

We’ve never done anything so hot, me naked and him still in his suit, one hand gripping my hips while he fucked my ass and his other hand pushing and pulling the dildo out of my mouth. We did talk a lot after that, like I hoped. He told me that, as you predicted, he always preferred anal sex, to the point he was looking forward to my periods to have an excuse to fuck my ass rather than my pussy.

Then he said after I gave birth to our son, my “cunt got way too loose” (when he said that I felt humiliated and turned on at the same time, I blushed and felt a tingle in my ass, it was weird), and he realized he couldn’t stand vaginal sex any longer and wanted sex to be more about him and his own pleasure – so, he switched our sex little by little to check if I was OK with it, but he said he never thought I’d enjoy it to the point of masturbating anally when he wasn’t around.

He said he’ll buy a butt plug for me to wear so I’m not as frustrated when he can’t fuck me, and he’ll make sure to fuck my ass more frequently and harder. I then said everything you told me to say, that I love that we’ve only been having anal sex and that I want to stay that way, that it confused me at first and I felt some frustration, but the frustration turned into arousal, and I enjoyed our new sex and the denial of things he didn’t care about, and I added I would do anything for him.

After that, we made love again, then he asked if I’d be OK with more new stuff, like tying me up (“of course dear”). It’s funny how when I wrote to you, I wondered how to tell him I still wanted vaginal and clitoral stimulation and orgasms, and the end result is I’ve accepted those are gone for good and I’ll get much more anal. But I feel really great about it, relaxed.

I do have an advice for girls who can’t get into anal, though: try having enemas, it’s really what triggered it for me. I had problems opening up before and feeling free to push my ass muscles because I feared I may not be clean, but using a small anal douche really helped me feel more comfortable, and allowed me to both open wide and contract around my husband’s cock to bring him more pleasure.

Anyway, thanks a LOT for your feedback. I felt completely lost and “abnormal”, and now I feel great, like both me and my husband found our right place! Funny how my son’s birth reignited our sexuality! Kisses!

It sounds like communicating was a positive experience with a positive outcome for you both, and you’re both happier and know where each other stand as a result. Congratulations to the both of you, I’m sure you’ll both have a wonderful time exploring your new anal only life together.

Message: First Time Doing Anal Without Preparation

Anonymous: Today, for the first time ever, I got fucked in my ass without any preparation! It was amazing! I had wondered for some time if I might have become so accustomed to receiving anal that it could be possible just to go straight to the penetration and it was! It felt so good, it felt super tight but there was no pain and in was super pleasurable. So it might be that in the future I’ll often choose not to wear a butt plug before anal sex 🙂

Congratulations! This is generally due to a combination of factors, including frequency between having sex keeping you more relaxed (you’ll still tighten up the same if you go a while without any anal penetration) and increased control of your anal muscles through practice.

Message: Cleaning Myself Faster, I Need Anal Daily!

Anonymous: I love anal so fucking much. Best orgasms ever, more like endless best orgasms ever. My boyfriend fucks my butt quite frequently. However it takes me a good hour to be totally cleaned out. It’s a huge hassle cuz I wanna get assfucked all the time. I give myself a mini enema, a non scented vaginal douche (i.e. a balloon and a nozzle). 16oz of water done multiple times within the hour and then clean. Any tips on how to clean myself out faster? SOS cuz I need anal at least once a day!!

If you have a healthy, balanced diet that contains a good amount of dietary fiber, that level of cleaning every day is probably unnecessary. Just use a small amount of warm water in a bulb and lightly flush out your rectum at most. When you use a large volume of water, you end up cleaning out a larger area than is necessary and in the process create a bigger mess that takes more time to clean. Only the rectum needs to be cleaned for most sex, and it’s generally already quite clean anyway. Many find they can just put in a plug a while before sex, take it out right before, go to the bathroom, and good to go. Add a mild rectal flush to that if you’re still concerned about residue.

Message: Girlfriend Regrets Not Trying Anal Sooner

Anonymous: So I’ve been trying to get my girlfriend to do anal for the longest time, she’s loves when I eat it out and finger it and even regularly wears a buttplug, been nagging for for literally months about it… today she finally had enough and let me put it in her ass and I’ve never heard her moan so loud… after sex was over she said “holllyyyyyy shit so I regret not doing this sooner” I’m hoping this will quickly transition into an anal only relationship from here on out!

Congratulations to the both of you! Keep it up, make sure she always really enjoys it, and you’ll likely be having a lot more anal in the future.

Message: Butt Plug as a Pacifier

I’ve been AO at my boy’s request as a try out – and well, it’s been 6 months now 🙂 I don’t see any reason to stop.

In fact, we’ve been playing around with me plugging myself a bit before we’re gonna be together – usually at work (heehee) – it seems to help me be ready – almost to the point of no foreplay (or extra lube, just what was left from the plugging – he slips it out and before I can close up again, he slides in slowly all the way).

I’ve been noticing, however, that I get really excited thinking about seeing him after work or whatever, but the stress of work mixed together with that energy can really make me get a little frantic and crazy. Only until I put my plug in do I seem to be able to calm down and direct my energy.. I don’t know why! Any ideas?

First, congratulations on the 6 months of anal only and the realization that there’s no reason to stop and you want to stick with it, that’s wonderful.

Frequent plugging definitely has the advantage of making frequent sex very easy and is an excellent habit for anal only women to develop, because it will make it much more rewarding and reduce common issues that get in the way of long term anal only.

If I had to guess, I would say that you’re calming down and centering yourself when you put your plug in for a few reasons—one being that it just feels good, and is sexual, so it shifts your thoughts and focus into arousal mode. Beyond that, though, it pulls your focus where it belongs—your asshole. Things are simpler when that’s all you’re paying attention to.

I Almost Never Go For My Pussy

angelamourxxx: I was just thinking about how when I play with myself I almost never go for my pussy. I always go for my ass and clit. Even after buying a toy specifically for my pussy, I still ignore it. I go for my butt plug, or any other toy I use in my ass, instead.

I love getting my cunt fucked rough and hard, but when I’m by myself then the hell with it. Anal orgasms are just better.

Used to be Ashamed of Being an Anal Whore

horndogplace: I used to be so ashamed of the way I was, but I think I need to let you all know I’m an anal whore. I rarely play with my pussy and would love for someone to stick their big fat cock up my tight ass as I scream for more. Being this into anal makes me feel like such a dirty slut, but honestly I’m really starting to like it. Like yes, I do have a greedy ass who loves to get abused, but that’s just what an anal whore needs. It makes my pussy so excited when I completely ignore her and just roughly fuck my ass. I can’t fuck her with how tight she is anyways so why not make her suffer even more? I want to be able to have a butt plug in me at all time and constantly be filled to the rim with cum in my ass. Like plug your cum in me so my needy little ass can feel a bit more warm and full and remind her how slutty she is for liking it. I honestly cannot imagine why someone girls don’t even try sticking anything up their ass. Like sure, it tears your insides apart but all that matters is giving my ass what it wants. Also as the true desperate whore I wanna squirt from being fucked in the ass and forced to clean it up like the pathetic whore I am. Filming my ass is so much fun as well since I get to watch how beaten and swollen she looks after I roughly fuck her. It makes my clitty throb knowing how much cock I cold take up my ass and knowing that my pussy isn’t getting any of the attention. It’s making my pussy so wet knowing how I’m exclaiming how much I want to be anally abused like the true dirty whore I am. Ugh a cock would be so much more filling that my tiny fingers. Would someone be willing to feed their cock to my hungry ass?