Category: Clitoral Denial

This category contains posts talking about clitoral denial, whether advice and reasons for introducing it into one’s sexual routine, stories and accounts of having done so, and questions about why one’s partner may want them to give up their clit. For more information, see our Benefits of Avoiding Clitoral Stimulation During Anal Sex page.

For those interested in denial, you may also want to visit the website Edging Space (formerly female-orgasm-denial on Tumblr).

Message: Ignored Clit, Filled Ass is the Best — How To Continue?

Anal Slut: I’ve been reading your blog for many years, often while rubbing my clit. I’m in my late 20’s now but since I was younger I always loved anal and originally only had anal sex in lieu of vaginal for birth control reasons (long before I knew there was a community here).

It is now many years later and my girlfriend and I are experimenting with more and more anal (for both of us), previously we have always used clit stimulation and she loves making sure I orgasm which I obviously appreciate. However I have recently gotten obsessed again with anal and have started excluding all clitoral stimulation along with all vaginal other than cleaning.

I love the feeling of being so horny and I feel it is helping me feel arousal in my ass more than my pussy. I’m horny all the time compared to previously also. I love being a needy anal slut and I feel like my ass was made to be filled. I have fantasies of buttplug training until I have my ass filled 20+ hours a day. It is addictive and I cannot get enough.

I guess I just wanted to endorse clit denial for anyone who knows they really like anal but goes through phases, I think clit orgasms were killing my arousal like for literal weeks so I was never getting to the really good part of anal where your ass is trained and ready to go.

However I didn’t plan to do this long term, literally I thought I’d hate ignoring my clit and want to stop so I decided to see how long I could go after reading something in the archives here, but I expected it to be a few days max.

I’m worried what my girlfriend will think about my decision to continue this, even though I know I will have proper anal orgasms again – I have before many times- but always mixed somewhat with clit, either to be foreplay for anal penetration, edging me a bit so I can cum with something in my ass or getting my pussy eaten while getting my ass fingered.

Open to suggestions on sticking with clit denial long term, I love it but I have also woken up during the night rubbing my clit and I want to stop doing that.

Also open to suggestions on depraved anal toys, I’m very interested in larger girth toys as I am in lesbian relationship, I’m not worried about not being tight or anything. I have finally decided to upgrade from the jeweled butt plugs and have ordered silicone oval base ones and I’m hoping to start plugging overnight again.

Lastly just wanna say, I love this blog, please keep posting here!

Glad to hear that you’re embracing not only anal only but clit denial as well, and I highly encourage sticking with it for the same reasons that you’re discovering! Clit stimulation can be useful for transitioning to anal only, or for those who wouldn’t stay anal only otherwise, but for everyone else I completely encourage avoiding it entirely and focusing on anal pleasure.

I doubt your girlfriend will be bothered and will likely find it very enjoyable as well if clit denial is what you prefer and enjoy and just want anal orgasms from now on. As she gets on board with it, that will also help you to stick with it, especially if you ask her to help you stay focused on clit denial.

Numbing gels, tape, and other mild forms of chastity can help with avoiding it as you further adjust to long term clit denial! For more information and suggestions on sticking with clit denial, check out the page on our Guide about Clit Denial.

Message: Anal Only Dating

Claire: Hello, I have a question for you, but first I have to explain my background.

I met my first boyfriend nearly five years ago in college. I had a crush on him, he felt it, and dated me for a very long time. At first, I thought it was sweet of him to take so long before making a sexual move, but then I became worried that he wouldn’t be that much into me. I told him about it, then he looked very serious, and announced he had something important to tell me.

I imagined all sorts of stuff, and then he said he really loved me and wanted to start a relationship with me, but he only enjoyed anal sex, and not only that, but he didn’t want his partner to have any sort of genital stimulation of any kind at all, ever. He knew I was a virgin (I’m younger than him), and he promised that if I was OK with this, he would use his experience to be very caring and careful that I enjoyed it too.

I was very surprised, but mostly felt relief because I expected horrible things that would cancel our relationship. I thought I could try anal sex, and if it didn’t go well, we could always break up. Besides, I didn’t know anything about contraception, so it was something less to care about.

It went very well: he first taught me how to do blowjobs and how to clean up my ass, and he stimulated me more and more slowly so that I was comfortable when he finally took me. It didn’t hurt at all and I enjoyed it right away. It lasted about two years, then he asked if I wanted to move to his apartment, I did, and we stayed together two more years and a half.

When I moved in, our sex frequency heightened up dramatically and I had trouble following that, I told him about it and expected him to slow down, but instead he gifted me a butt plug, asking me to try to wear it as often as possible: it was supposed to make it easier for me to take his cock more frequently and to increase my pleasure. I was doubtful about it but did it anyway, and he was right, things went really well.

The next logical step was to get engaged and I know it was his intention, then his job required him to move to another city, but I still had to stay for my studies. He tried to get me to move with him, but I thought it was an opportunity to gather my own experience: he was the only man I ever knew, and I wanted to build my own journey for a while before getting married. He was sad about it but understood my point of view, and we’re still planning to get back together later.

So, now, my question is: how do you people meet? I didn’t realize it right away because it had become so natural to me, but most people don’t do exclusive anal sex, and I have no intention of changing this aspect of my sexuality.

Thanks for the question and for sharing your story! It sounds like you had a great introduction to anal only and I don’t blame you for not wanting to stop being anal only.

As for meeting people, it’s rare to find a central place that works reliably for finding a partner based on sexual preferences. Date like you normally would but it feels natural for sex to come up as a topic, be up front from the start, and accept that maybe not everyone will be into it but there will be many more guys who love the idea.

For more information, check out the section in our guide on Anal Only Dating!

Reddit: Anal Only and Trying to Concieve

My husband and I have done anal since the start of our relationship. We both enjoyed it, but it never occurred to us that going anal only or primarily anal was a choice we could consciously make until after the birth of our daughter who is 7.

Once I got cleared for sex, I was anxious about PIV so we opted to do a lot more anal. Shortly thereafter we met someone through the kink community who mentioned that she was “anal only” and we realized that it was something we could choose for ourselves.

For the next 2.5 years, we did mostly anal only. I think we did PIV 3-4 times in that period. At some point, we had a discussion about moving to anal only and used it to fuel some of our other kinks. For the last 6-8 months of that 2.5 year period, we did anal only. No PIV, no clitoral stimulation.

Then we decided to try for a baby, but we didn’t want to leave anal behind. While trying to conceive our second child, I monitored my ovulation and we did vaginal sex during the days I was ovulating and anal during the rest of my cycle. My husband played into our shared breeding kink by telling me that my pussy was only good for making babies and that that was the only time I’d ever be fucked in my pussy again… when he wanted to put another baby in me. It was super hot and made conceiving our second baby a lot of fun. It took us three months of trying to finally conceive. Once I got pregnant, we reverted to anal only. I actually went into labor with our second shortly after a pretty rough anal fuck while 9 months pregnant.

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Message: Am I Being Selfish?

Anonymous: My GF and I have been doing anal only for a few months now and while I’m kinda ashamed to admit I think my favourite part is knowing that I get more pleasure out of it than her. She definitely enjoys it but I know she can’t cum without her clit and I also noticed that she really urges me on to cum now like she wants it to be over faster. This turns me on so much that I can’t even think about going back to vaginal sex again but more than that I’ve been kind of obsessed with the idea of her giving up her pussy completely which for her would mean giving up orgasms too. I’m scared that if I ask her about this she will think I’m a completely selfish jerk. Do you think its wrong for me to be into this and do you think I should try asking for it or just be content with what I have?

It’s not wrong to want that, but it depends what she wants too. Some women get off on the same sort of thing, and that’s fine. Whether she’ll be open to it depends on her motivation. Tell her that you being anal only really turns you on and you love it and would love for her to stop using her clit too and just get her pleasure from anal, and ask what she thinks about that. If she’s not into it, then keep things as they are. But, if she is, then explore that together.

Reddit: I’ve trained my anus to act as my clitoris

I’ve been interested in anal only the past six months and have been training off and on. Recently, these past few weeks, I’ve decided to treat my anus as my clitoris and it worked! One of the things holding me back was the lack of orgasm that a clitoris gives you (I’d already orgasmed from anal before but it wasn’t the same.) With dedication, I orgasmed from my anus alone. I still receive the same amount of pleasure, just without the post-nut clarity. I’m now completely anal only. No vaginal stimulation, no clitoral stimulation, and it’s amazing. I’m curious to see if anyone else has accomplished this?

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Reddit: Update on an Anal Only New Year

So this is a follow up from my last post. In summary me and my Boyfriend decided to go anal only for January to celebrate our first new year living together.

Mu biggest concern was cumming, as whilst I’d cum during anal hundreds of times, it was always with clitoral stimulation.

This was definitely an issue at first, and that made the first two weeks quite challenging. Not cumming would leave me feeling unsatisfied and constantly horny. We could fuck 4 or 5 times in a day and I’d still feel horny and feel the need to fuck again. It wasn’t untill a week ago today, on the 13th, that I finally came. Honestly I was so happy and relieved that afterwards I may have cried for quite a while 😅

I was really strict, and didn’t allow myself any flexibility with the rules, and I fell like that paid off in the end.

Now, for the last 4 days I’ve manage to cum every time we fuck, and it’s amazing. Knowing that I will be able to cum means I’m so much more relaxed going into it and therefore it’s easier to climax. It feels like being able to cum from just anal means I’m in control of my body and what I enjoy, regardless of what society tells me I should like.

We kept to our agreement of at least twice a day, but in reality it’s been much more most of the time. When I wasn’t cumming I would be constantly pushing him to fuck again. Now my libido is a bit more back to normal, and we are managing 2-3 times a day, like we used to.

And as for the future, we’ll we were thinking about maybe continuing AO untill valentines day….

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Message: Testosterone in Ejaculate?

Jess: Does an anal creampie allow your body to absorb more testosterone via the colon? I have low libido since starting menopause and I wanted to use a testosterone supplement or simply ask my doctor for testosterone prescription to help increase my libido, but I am intrigued that maybe I can do this the natural way and see if this method can raise my own levels. Any tips on this? I have been swallowing but doesn’t seem to be working, should I try retaining it in my colon? Has anyone tried this?

While I am not sure on the amount of testosterone in semen compared to other supplement sources, rectal absorption is a great proven way of getting other known benefits from semen and is also commonly used to administer drugs and supplements especially in cases where oral consumption may prevent it from being properly absorbed due to stomach acid breaking it down. Anal absorption also tends to work faster.

In addition to the potential benefits of semen absorption, you will likely find that your libido increases by eliminating any clitoral and vaginal stimulation and focusing purely on anal stimulation. This tends to be a massive arousal boost, especially with the exclusion of clitoral stimulation and orgasm and learning to orgasm from anal only, because you won’t get the loss of arousal post orgasm that comes with clit stimulation.

Reddit: How can I make myself see my ass as my primary sex organ?

I see a lot of posts on here about how people have partners to help them change their view on what their primary sex organ is. I’m single, so I don’t have anyone to help me in that area.

I used to do anal years ago and loved it, but due to some health issues I developed a hemorrhoid and stayed away from ass play for probably 8 years now. I’ve always wanted to go back to it, but I was worried about the pain and if the hemorrhoid would come back. Now I feel ready to start again. I’d like to buy some trainer plugs to start off with, any recommendations? I’d also prefer to be anal only by myself first and find a partner who never wants to fuck my pussy. I’d love to do clit denial too because I’ve always wanted to cum from penetrative sex. I already use orajel on my clit when I masturbate to train myself not to take pleasure from my clit. What is the best way to train my mind to see my ass as my primary sex organ and also be able to cum from anal?

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Message: Having Trouble Stopping Clit Stimulation

AubreyS: Hey! I went anal only with my husband in 2020 and we both really love it, we enjoy anal play a lot and have a really wonderful balance of him fucking my ass and me using dildos and strapons on him, and it’s really fulfilling. Neither of us miss vaginal sex at all!

But, we’d like to take it to the next level and stop clit stimulation for me too so I’m getting only anal stimulation and feel like we’re truly anal only. My husband wants this and finds it really arousing, but I honestly really want it too, the idea makes me super hot and I feel like my clit has held me back to some extent from true anal only.

I’ve been really addicted to my clit all my life, though, and giving it up is harder than expected. Do you have any advice?

Hey, that’s awesome that you have such a great anal only relationship together! I’m glad you’re committed to anal only and are ready to stop clit stimulation as well! There are a lot of benefits, including more intense pure anal orgasms and a total boost in desire when you eliminate the distraction and loss of arousal that clit stimulation brings.

I’d encourage trying a few different things:

  • When you feel the urge to touch your clit, rub and finger your anus instead, clench down on a butt plug if you have one inside, or if riding a dildo or your husband’s penis, focus on the feeling inside your ass and thrust down deeper onto it. Really work on redirecting that clitoral arousal into an anal focus instead.
  • Get and apply a topical anesthetic whenever masturbating or having sex so that even if you do touch your clit, you can’t stimulate it due to temporary lack of sensation. You can get mild anesthetics at most pharmacies over the counter, including Orajel and others intended for dental pain.
  • Try taking it gradually. Giving up clit stimulation is more difficult for many women than giving up vaginal penetration, so this challenge is fairly common. See if you can get through a day without using your clit, then add another day. After a few days, try for a week. If you get through the week, see about going two weeks, or a whole month. Before you know it, you’ll have gone so long without it you won’t be as desperate for it, and you’ll have built up such a streak that you won’t want to go back. And if you do slip up, don’t feel too bad about it. It’s a part of the process oftentimes. Just jump right back in and keep going.
  • If all else fails, you could consider a clit shield or chastity belt.

Good luck, and I’m sure before long you’ll be totally clit free and living the pure anal only life you want!

Message: Anal Only as Bisexual Woman

Anonymous: Hi! I am curious about combining the anal only lifestyle with being a bisexual woman. If a woman never touches her pussy nor lets it be touched when she is having sex with men, would the same apply to women? Otherwise, what sort of sexual activity would be recommended among women who want to keep the anal only lifestyle?

Ultimately it’s up to you, of course. Some anal only women allow non-penetrative vaginal/clitoral play but exclude vaginal for intercourse. Some are more strict. If you don’t touch your pussy and don’t want it to be touched, however, then I would say the same should go with female partners. Just do rimming, anal fingering, plugging and anal dildo play together and keep things purely anal only!