Category: Meta

Posts about the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and community itself, rather than the concept of anal only.

A Word About Clitoral Stimulation/Denial

In recent times, I have on these blogs, and other people on other blogs have as well, been making more of a focus on clitoral denial in conjunction with anal only and the advantages and increased pleasure that can stem from it. While I stand by that, and encourage people to explore it alongside anal only, if it doesn’t interest you or you need or simply like clitoral stimulation along with your anal sex—that doesn’t make you any less anal only, and I certainly don’t want to make anyone feel like they aren’t “truly” anal only unless they give up their clit.

I’m going to keep sharing what I like and what I think works well, including the things I prefer and fantasize about—especially in porn captions—and not everything will necessarily always appeal or apply to every follower, but that doesn’t mean that my way is the only way. I may not always effectively differentiate between my fantasy voice and my real, sincere voice, but do know that wherever my fantasy voice my head down different and sometimes somewhat extreme paths, my real position is always this:

Do what you want and what works for you. Do it because you love it and because it’s thrilling and fun. Try new things with it, but don’t feel like there’s only one way to be anal only just because other people may be doing things differently. Experiment with new things, but if they aren’t working for you or aren’t fun in some way, don’t feel obligated to continue them. And don’t feel obligated to be anal only if you aren’t enjoying it anymore, either. Sex is supposed to be consensual and fun, and anal only should be no different.

Message: I Assumed You Were Pushing Anal Only To Please Men

spoiledlittleslut: When I first started following you I didn’t pay much attention to your captions because I incorrectly assumed that you would be pushing anal only as a way to better please men. I’m so happy that I was wrong! You’ve quickly become one of the blogs I go to to find relief from misogynistic posts ?

analsexonly: Thanks so much for the lovely message. I’ve been a fan of your blogs for some time as well.

I’m very much an advocate of equal opportunity anal, and recognizing the fact that there are many women who greatly enjoy anal as well, while trying to dispel the myth that women only do it to please men. There are certainly some who do, or who like that idea, including some who do anal only because they’re turned on and satisfied more by pleasing their partner than by their own physical pleasure, and I certainly don’t mean to suggest that those people are incorrect either or that there’s anything wrong with such enjoyment of service if that is what they want, enjoy and consent to. But it isn’t the primary focus of my blog—I do try to always try to portray a variety of approaches and appeals about anal and anal only, both for men and women—but around a central theme of mutual enjoyment of anal, especially female enjoyment, which some people still struggle to understand, it seems.

Because there are a lot of women who do enjoy anal. And a lot of others who don’t, which is perfectly fine too. Anal only isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay! But I want to give a positive impression of anal, an encouragement for those who are interested in the idea of anal only to try it on their own terms—because they’re curious about it and want to try it, not because they’re being pressured into it by anybody—and advice to help ensure that people curious about it actually enjoy it and discover something new and fun they can do, even if they don’t want to do anal only. I think it’s really unfortunate that so many people have bad first experiences with anal because of partners pressuring them into trying it, not knowing how to do it properly or how to ensure everyone enjoys it, and swearing off trying it again when they might actually really like it if it was done right. For that reason, I personally have a problem with the blogs who push the idea that women aren’t supposed to enjoy anal or that it’s supposed to hurt and that’s the whole point of anal. I hate that idea, and maybe some people get off on it as a fantasy and I’m not going to be critical of that, but I do think that pushing that message continues to do harm to the goal of more people trying it and enjoying it. Perhaps I’m overreacting there, though.

I personally am anal only because I prefer anal and always have, and I love women who also love anal on their own terms, not just doing it to please a partner. That’s very appealing to me. When I started this blog, I did it just because I really liked the idea of anal only, but then more and more people—men and women both—who also liked the idea started showing up and it kept getting more popular, and it was awesome to sort of be a voice for all these people who shared a similar desire or were actively living an anal only life, and a whole community has grown out of it—a generally very mature and respectful community, at that!—and I think that’s just really cool to see.

Message: What Makes You Prefer Anal Over Vaginal Sex?

Anonymous: What makes you prefer anal over vaginal sex?

I’m sure I’ve posted an answer to this multiple times before, but here goes again.

I’ve always had a natural, innate attraction to a woman’s ass and anus over her vagina. It isn’t that I find vaginas gross or repulsive—I think they can be quite visually appealing, I just don’t want to have sex with them. My natural inclination is and always has been to fuck a woman in the ass. I didn’t have anal sex first—however, once I tried it and it was as good as I expected, I was hooked and always preferred it since. I wasn’t anal only for quite some time, though.

Anal sex is often tighter, but it’s so much more than just that. The physical sensation of anal sex is different, and feels far better, and it’s also a lot more responsive and can clench and twitch around you in different ways. When a woman cums while you’re inside her ass you can really feel it intensely, and conversely she can feel it better when you cum inside her.

It’s much more intimate, satisfying, rewarding, and it just feels natural and right. Looking down and seeing your cock in her ass, the combined visuals and sensations are something primally satisfying and good.

You can cum deep inside her ass all you want and she won’t get pregnant, without the assistance of anything else, and it feels better and more deeply correct to do so than anywhere else.

Done correctly, anal is more pleasurable than any other form of sex for women as well, and her orgasms can be incredible, far beyond anything pussy or clit can do. Pure anal orgasms also tend—at least for some women—to not have as much of an emotional and arousal crash afterwards.

So all that, and more, is why. I don’t waste time with vaginal sex anymore, when anal can be so much better in so many ways.

Last Day of No Pussy November 2016!

Oh, the disappointment. The end of No Pussy November 2016 is near and we’ll have to wait another whole year for the next one! But don’t despair too much, even if you missed out this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t still participate—after all, while No Pussy November as a yearly event is what’s widely promoted here to encourage new people to try anal only for the first time, the reality is that every month is anal only month! It’s the idea of a month-long challenge that’s most important, and you can try that any time you want. Pick a date, and challenge yourself to go anal only for a month from that date. That’s all it really ever takes to start.

For those who did join on No Pussy November 2016, the end of the month doesn’t mean it has to be the end of the fun. If you had a really good time and feel like you could keep going—do so! Your anal only fun doesn’t have to be limited to this one month, and if the month trial period revealed to you that you really enjoy anal only, just keep on going, riding on your momentum from No Pussy November. And be sure to keep sending in your updates, whether you’re ending the experiment with NPN for now, or continuing anal only from here.

We had wonderful participation this year, possibly the best yet, and I want to thank everyone who took part and gave the anal only lifestyle a shot, whether for the full month and beyond or just for a short time. Here’s to an even better No Pussy November 2017!

Message: I Thought I Was a Freak For Preferring Anal Only

Anonymous: I just want to thank you for running this blog. I’m 24, female and so “fixated” on anal-only at this point it is pretty much an orientation. I thought I was a freak, and I thought I was alone in this for along time. Just, thank you. I spent a long time thinking there was something wrong with me, and also that i would never find someone. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

Thank you for the very kind words! I’m so glad that you enjoy it and found it helpful in making you aware that you weren’t at all alone and that there are many others out there with the same preferences and desires. That’s always been one of my main goals with these blogs/sites—helping all us anal only lovers out there realize we aren’t freaks no one will ever be compatible. That’s how I used to feel as well, and discovering how many other people actually shared the same anal only desire was a huge awakening for me.

Message: God Punishes Sodomy

Anonymous: Did you know that God punishes sodomy?

If there is a supernatural being who created the universe, I have to think it would have more to be concerned about than whether some of its creations were sticking their dicks into buttholes.

I’m far more concerned about consent and mutual enjoyment than what others think about my sex life, including alleged gods.

The original version of this post on Tumblr received the following responses.

ofbeastsandsophisticates: I love when people try to tell you what God thinks, especially people who don’t know the true history of their own faith. It is, or at least can be, quite comical. 

my-sub-conscience: ‘Thou shall not fucking judge thy neighbor!’ And I’m pretty sure that we’ll all be going to Hell then, having amazing incredible anal sex ❤️

kinktothebrink: Answer the question. Do you know?! Don’t give us such a cliffhanger.

No Pussy November 2016

This November Experience A Month of Exclusive Anal Sex - Join Us In The Fourth Annual No Pussy November

November is almost here, and long-time followers of this blog know what that means—it’s time for another No Pussy November! That’s right, if you’ve been waiting for the chance to try going anal only with your partner, the time has now come! Whether you choose to try it for a week, two weeks, or the entire month—whether you have a partner or are a single woman who would like to take the challenge of a month of anal only masturbation—or even if you’re already anal only but would like to step things up a notch with clitoral denial, trying to achieve anal only orgasms, or something else—this time is for all lovers of anal only and those curious to explore further.

Those who choose to participate in No Pussy November, feel free to share your goals and progress here, or on the Anal Only Lifestyle forum.

Message: How Does It Make You Feel Knowing A Lot Of Girls Don’t Do Anal?

Anonymous: How does it make you feel knowing that a lot of girls still won’t do anal?

Sad that they’re missing out on something amazing. That’s partly why I do my part to correct the common negative portrayal of it as something degrading, painful, and done only for men to enjoy.

The fact is, there are a lot of women who do love anal and get a lot of pleasure from it. In my experience, most who won’t do it have either had bad experiences with it in the past thanks to partners who didn’t know what they were doing, or heard stories of such. So education and widely available information on how to enjoy it and try it at their own pace can be very beneficial to encourage more people to try it.