Category: Meta

Posts about the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and community itself, rather than the concept of anal only.

Message: This is an Evil Thing You’re Promoting, Pure Evil

Anonymous: You are trying to make sodomy look like a great thing when it’s really an abuse towards women… this is an evil thing what you’re promoting, pure evil, but… why do you promote this?

What makes you think anal sex is abusive towards women or evil? Forcing it, or any other sort of sex, on someone would be abusive and evil, but you seem to fail to recognize the fact that this isn’t just something only men want—many women really like anal sex too and get a lot of pleasure from it—often with more powerful orgasms than from vaginal. I fear you are grossly misinformed.

The original version of this post on Tumblr received the following responses.

sa8216: Women have 3 times the nerve ending in their ass as the do their vagina. If you have a good partner that knows how to make you feel comfortable it can be an amazing orgasm. I have converted a few girlfriends that turned out to love it once they realized i wasn’t going to rush anything

phoenixandy: Towards women? Errr hello, how do you think gay guys have sex?

hiroshi-tea: Wow, what got up anon’s asshole?

pinklioness7: Someone needs to get laid….

Anal Only Chat

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Update April 2018: The Anal Only Lifestyle Discord server has fully replaced our old kik group. Please click the link to join!

Announcing the Anal Only Lifestyle kik group! Chat with other like-minded individuals about anal sex, the anal only lifestyle, and other related topics. Scan the kik code above or follow this link to join.

As always, there is also the Anal Only Lifestyle Forum, with a community of over 700 members, and which you should absolutely join if you have not already.

Message: Vaginal Virgin In A Committed Anal Only Relationship For Five Years

Anonymous: First of all, I love your blog! I’m a twenty year old vaginal virgin who has been in a committed anal only relationship for five years. I literally feel like this page was made to perfectly suit my sexual taste! ???

Thank you, I’m glad to hear you enjoy it and that you share the same interests. It’s always great to hear from other long-term anal only people, and from vaginal virgins who have chosen to remain anal only!

Message: A Retort About Misguiding People About Anal

Anonymous: I wanted to make a retort to the poster who felt that you were misguiding people about anal. I figured out a long time ago that I can’t achieve vaginal penetration orgasm on its own. I enjoy penetration, it feels good. And I climax from clitoral stimulation easily. But it wasn’t till I started playing with anal that I achieve orgasm JUST from being fucked there. Every woman’s body is different! Anal works for me and I adore it!

Thank you for sharing—and you’re absolutely right, everyone is different and reacts in different ways to stimulation. This is why I encourage people to try anal and give it a reasonable chance—not everyone may end up liking or loving it, but trying different things is how you figure out what does work for you.

Message: The Stupidest Message

crispypizzadreamer: may I fuck your pussy

Normally I just delete the ridiculous messages I get like this, but this one takes it to a whole new level of absurdity. Where to begin?

  1. I am male. I make mention of this with some regularity, but people seem to miss it or not pay enough attention to notice. Fair enough—it’s not plastered everywhere on my blog, and people can make honest mistakes, but it does get annoying after a time.
  2. This is a blog advocating anal sex only and the total abandonment of vaginal sex. Even if I were a woman, what on this blog made you think I would have any interest in vaginal sex?
  3. If you want to actually get a reasonable response from someone, don’t lead with a request to fuck them. (And don’t just say “hi”, either. Lead with something actually interesting that will make the other person want to respond and talk with you.)

Message: Care to Share?

desperatelifeater: I ran into this page by my feed and I have to say I LOVE to have anal intercourse. I’m a straight man and as much as I love vaginal penetration, there is just something about anal that I can’t get enough of. Any one care to share experiences?

If you read through the archive, you’ll find that many people have shared their experiences.

Message: The Anal Only Tumblr Community

Anonymous: I just wanted to tell u that you seem to be the “big daddy” of the whole anal/anal only tumblr community. You always seem to have an answer to all questions we got that relate to the topic of anal sex. I’m thankful for the existence of u and ur blog.

Thank you very much for your kind words. I started this blog, and its related blogs, because they filled an absence in other tumblr blogs at the time. There were certainly other anal porn blogs out there, but not really any that were anal only, and none that were anal only and talked about the concept. (There was at least one non-Tumblr anal only blog at the time.) That was the start, and as it took off it started to also become a place for other people who shared my preference to talk about it in a place where they wouldn’t be judged for preferring anal (and a place where people who don’t like anal can also talk about it without being judged), and I’m so happy to have helped provide that, as well as a resource for people to learn to better enjoy anal sex.

Message: Looking Forward to an Anal Only Future

Anonymous: Hi, just wanted to thank you. Your blog inspired me to try anal, and after a few weeks of me fingering my asshole to your blog my boyfriend bought me a plug. After another week of stretching my ass we tried anal for the first time last night. By far the best sex I’ve ever had and it never would have happened without you, so thank you (from me and him)! I’m looking forward to hopefully having a wonderful anal-only future!

Congratulations to you both and I’m glad to have been an inspiration for such an enjoyable experience for the both of you! Good luck and keep enjoying it!

Message: Hate Mail

Anonymous: I’m I huge fan of you and your blog :)) I admire the determination and the honestly you show in every hate message you receive from the crowd! I respect that :)) me and my GF do ENJOY anal sex (and vaginal too, sorry XD, I know you are tolerant) I just want to encourage you to keep going and if some folks try to discourage you than tell them to go fuck some butt hole before talking about it 🙂 I mean if they did they will send you flowers instead of hate messages 🙂 so keep up with ANAL! Cheers.

Honestly, hate messages are exceedingly uncommon. Most people who contact me either enjoy anal or recognize that others do even if they don’t personally, and don’t act like trolls about it. Both recent angry messages undoubtedly came from the same source, and they don’t seem to be interested in further communication.

Message: You’re Not Promoting Safe and Fun Anal Sex

Anonymous: Um, no. You’re not promoting safe and fun anal sex for both male and female to enjoy. You are promoting EXCLUSIVE anal sex by using disinformation and manipulation. Your sister blog shows pics of girls looking like they’re in extasy. But people always forget: These are porn ACTRESSES. This isn’t real life. You’re manipulating people into thinking that it’s normal. It isn’t and it shouldn’t be. Or why else does anal need practice, proper preparation and so on? Get real.

I’m doing both. I frequently get asked about and discuss anal sex in general and offer advice on how to best enjoy it. And yes, I do promote exclusive anal sex—for people who are interested in trying it. Clearly it doesn’t interest you, which is totally fine, but I’m not sure why you feel the need to suggest it can’t interest anyone else either or that if it does, they’ve been manipulated into liking it by me. I certainly don’t have that sort of power or influence—I talk about what I like, and share what I find that other people have said on the subject. It seems that quite a few other people like it as well.

My porn blog is just that: porn. It does promote anal sex and anal only with porn captions using porn as illustration, and yes, they are actresses, and yes some of the content in that blog leans more to the fantasy side of things and will not appeal to everyone in reality even if they get off to the fantasy. I have in fact mentioned this myself a number of times, suggesting that people who find the fantasy appealing and would like to learn more about it in a real world context go to other sources like this blog where it is grounded in reality without the fantasy components.

That said, just because they’re porn actors doesn’t mean “real” women do not enjoy anal sex. I don’t care what assertions you may make to the contrary—I know for a fact that many women absolutely do enjoy it. Not all do—which is totally normal, because there are few (if any) sex acts everyone enjoys.

It seems that you’re suggesting anal sex is an illegitimate form of sex because enjoyment of it requires preparation and practice for many people. First, understand that the gradual process I encourage for people trying anal for the first time may be overkill for many but is encouraged to guarantee the most enjoyment for the most people, since everyone is a bit different and some can have a harder time than others, and I’d like everyone interested in anal to have the best experience they can rather than the unfortunate experience many have with a partner who rushes in and causes them pain. There are some who are able to jump straight into various levels of anal play with little difficulty and others who need to work up to it. This can be true for vaginal sex as well. Mastering most sex acts is a process and you need to practice to best enjoy it. Anal warmup before each session is essentially little different from other forms of foreplay, just specialized for anal sex. Foreplay is essential for most people for vaginal sex as well in order for them to most enjoy it. Also, there are women who experience pain and discomfort from vaginal sex no matter what, but not from anal. How do such women fit into your view that anal cannot be normal?

Second, it seems somewhat absurd to suggest that because something might involve a process to master, it therefore isn’t and shouldn’t be considered “normal”. There are all sorts of non-sexual activities that require great effort to master and which don’t come naturally to any people—should no one try to become experts at those things either because it isn’t normal to be able to run a marathon, climb a mountain, or any other great physical feat?

The bottom line is that yes, sometimes my porn blog uses hyperbole about anal only and suggesting it’s the only natural way to have sex, but understand that to people who really prefer anal and do not get satisfaction and enjoyment from vaginal, that’s how it feels. Now, in reality, of course vaginal sex is a natural form of sex and it’s how we reproduce and there’s nothing at all wrong with vaginal sex for any reason—pleasure or reproduction—if that’s what you enjoy and desire. But anal sex is a perfectly valid form of sex as well, with great pleasure potential for all partners involved.

I don’t expect I’ll change your mind, as you seem to be pretty set in the mindset that anal sex is wrong and that going anal only, even for people who already enjoy anal and have decided on their own they want to try it exclusively, should not be encouraged. Is it too much to ask that you at least understand not everyone shares your opinion and that many men and women do in fact like and *gasp* even prefer anal?

The original version of this post on Tumblr got the following responses from blog followers:

mastermadmikeI’ve been in anal only relationships with women in which there were times we had sex 3 or more times in one night and at least once daily. I introduced her to it and she loved it after the first time. After about a month she said it felt better in the ass and requested anal only.

slutprogrammer: My friend with benefits just proved this anonymous moron wrong again. She literally lubed me with her pussy because it got me into her ass quicker than finding the lube. I remarked that her pussy had apparently been demoted to lube dispenser, and she laughed & agreed that it had. The orgasms prompted her to remark that if she’d known about anal sex 20 years ago she never would have felt the need to smoke weed.

femmefatale4ever: I find this completely to be a misguided opinion that you have dreamed up. I can and do orgasm from anal penetration, and I 9 out of 10 times prefer it. I suppose women can’t enjoy giving blow job, either? Like where did you come up with this? I’m going to assume, since you like to also assume, that you probably at some point had a bad experience. Guess what, different people like different things. No one is telling ANYONE what to do. This is simply an site for people to come together to talk about a singular passion that they enjoy CONSENSUALLY with their partners.