Category: Meta

Posts about the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and community itself, rather than the concept of anal only.

Message: The First of Its Kind

Anonymous: What a discovery this is! This is the first of its kind I ever saw. Tell me: why did you start this? what motivates you?

The goal of this blog and the associated forum is to provide a resource for similarly-inclined people to get together and communicate, and for those who have the same preferences but feel alone to realize that there are others out there who think the same way, as well as to encourage other people to join in and become anal only themselves.

Message: Who Hasn’t Secretly Wished to Skip Vaginal Entirely?

Anonymous: You’ve really tapped into a deep, normally undeclared desire with this blog. Who hasn’t honestly considered it or secretly wished to just skip the vaginal sex completely? It’s a feature of human sexuality. Why else do women have an ass as a primary sexual attribute? Why else does anal feel so good? Why wouldn’t anyone not want to do only what they like the most? Instead people have just created reasons why they shouldn’t.

It’s easy to say why you shouldn’t do things. It’s harder to explore yourself and human sexuality in general, reject the norms, and say “actually, maybe I should do what I really want and what’s best for me and go anal only”.

No Pussy November

Join us in making next month No Pussy November. If you aren’t already in an anal only relationship, this is your chance to give it a try for one month. We’re announcing this two weeks in advance to give everyone a chance to make their plans and talk to their partners about the idea. On the first of November, everyone participating should cease having vaginal sex and focus on anal instead. At the end of the month, it’s up to you whether you return to vaginal or stay anal only.

Be sure to submit your stories here over the next month and a half, and beyond, and ask any questions you may have.

Join the Anal Only Lifestyle Forum

As suggested by an anonymous follower, we are launching the Anal Only Lifestyle Forum to allow for more in-depth conversations. A present, nothing will change about the way our tumblr blog is run, and we will continue posting and approving submissions and questions as usual, but if you want to discuss things further and take part in more back-and-forth, head over to the forum, sign up, and start posting!

Message: How About a Forum?

Anonymous: Have you considered creating an Anal Only Lifestyle forum somewhere so those living the lifestyle or considering it can have more in-depth discussions? Tumblr is really limited and doesn’t allow for back and forth discussion threads. It also requires each post to be really short. Keep up the good work, though! You’re doing a great job of highlighting how much better sex between a man and woman can be and what most people are missing.

Thanks for the suggestion. An Anal Only Lifestyle forum announcement will be coming later today.

Message: Want To Know More About the Blog

Anonymous: I would like to know more about the blog and the person behind it. Do you have many followers? Do you have only anal sex? Do you get much negative feedback or are most people positive about the lifestyle? Lastly, is the blog just to share information or do you think other people will become interested when they hear about the anal only concept? Thanks.

The Anal Only Lifestyle blog has multiple people behind it who are regular contributors. Most of us either do live the anal only lifestyle, have for an extended period in the past, or are seeking to do so in the future.

We have nearly 700 followers at this time, while our pornographic counterpart, Anal Only, has over 11,000.

Feedback has been almost entirely positive, with only a very tiny bit semi-negative. Nearly everyone appears to at least be tolerant of people’s preferences even if they don’t personally understand them, and most are actually actively interested in the idea of giving up vaginal sex for exclusive anal, even if they’re unwilling to do it at present.

The blog is both to share information with others who have the same interests and let them know they’re not alone and that there are in fact many others out there of every gender with the same desires, and to introduce the idea to others and get them to realize the possibility and make them want it as well. Personally, that’s how I was introduced to the idea. I’d always liked anal but never considered the idea of anal exclusivity until I began reading about happy couples who had given up vaginal sex and were only having anal sex and loving it. I immediately knew that I wanted the same.

So, on that note, if anyone following has a story about an anal only relationship that they want to share, please submit it. You can do so anonymously if you want, but please get it out there so you can help others who want the same thing.