Category: Meta

Posts about the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and community itself, rather than the concept of anal only.

Message: Denying Anal Only Men’s Natural Urges Harmful

superprettypinkusIt is incredible how you’ve accumulated such a wealth of resources in such a time. For the most part I think what you do is helpful for people marginalized by current “orthodoxy”. I’ve seen first hand the damage that denying natural desires does to guys. It is much easier for women (though not without issues) as mostly they call the shots in sex, and I’ll freely admit that.

Message: Wanting Anal Only is Not Unhealthy

analk1ngI have to disagree with miss-van-der-rohe. Why is it limiting to do what you enjoy the most? Why is it unhealthy or an issue to have a preference for women’s anuses over vaginas. It’s just a difference that’s all. Saying it’s an issue is almost as bad as saying gay men are unhealthy because they aren’t attracted to women at all. Plus lots of women also like only anal sex – are they also unhealthy in her eyes?

It all comes down to personal choice and preference. We who identify as anal only prefer anal. We don’t encourage forcing that preference onto anyone, but we do encourage other people try going anal only for themselves and then with that experience of having tried it, see for themselves what they think about it.

Message: Why Limit Yourself to Anal Only?

miss-van-der-roheTo each their own, but why limit yourself to one way to have sex? It’s the flipside of having vaginal sex only without even trying anal ever. And from what I see you’re actually turned OFF by female genitals, which is an issue in itself; it’s like those women who claim to be attracted to men but are disgusted by their penises and never want to look at one – you think that’s healthy?

Great question. Ultimately, I think people should do what appeals to them. People who enjoy vaginal sex should have vaginal sex. People who enjoy both anal and vaginal sex should have both. And people who prefer anal should have anal. I’m not turned off by female genitals so much as attracted to the female anus even more. In fact, I find a lot of vulvas quite beautiful, but the overall experience with anal sex is more enjoyable all around.

There are many different reasons people choose to go anal only. In some cases it is a bit of a fetishization of limitation, e.g. vaginal chastity while replacing it completely with the anus as a sex organ. That turns some people on—men and women both. But for others—again, men and women both—vaginal sex just doesn’t do anything for them. It doesn’t feel as good or doesn’t make them cum easily or at all, while anal does. If you can’t cum from vaginal sex but you can from anal, or if anal routinely leads to much better orgasms, it’s no surprise that you would prefer anal.

Message: Huge Interest in Anal & Anal Only

dr-yuehI’ve spent some time today reading all the submission/post/stories on this blog today. You have to read them all to get the bigger picture, as each individual doesn’t show what’s really going on. Just on the number we’ve seen so far, I’d say there is now huge interest in anal and anal-only. What’s more the stories validate the indications that just as many women as men want anal sex. It must help that now people have examples to follow of happy working anal-only relationships.

Message: Anal Only Under the Radar Until Now?

dr-yuehSorry for another comment in your inbox – this is a bit of an obsession of mine 🙂 I can’t help but notice how “anal only” which has been under the radar for years (obviously people did it just kept quiet) but now appears to be getting more attention all of a sudden. I see more opening up about it on the internet in the last few years than ever. And more are curious to learn more or try. Obviously places like this blog do help.

There have been discussions about it for some time, but they’ve been scattered across the internet rather than on sites specific to the subject. The few other sites that exist for this purpose tend to be more about certain people’s personal experiences—which is great, but I think a site approaching it more neutrally attracts more discussion and sharing of many different people’s experiences instead.

Message: Some People Look For Reasons Not to Do Anal

dr-yuehLooking back on the “busting anal myths” it is almost as if people are looking for reasons to find reasons not to do anal. That and they believe everything they hear so readily. On a separate issue I’ve observed how people get more passionate about anal than any other type of sex. They get genuinely excited in a way people just never do about vaginal.

Message: The Anal Only Phenomenon

dr-yuehHello. Just signed up to tumblr just so I could follow this blog! The “lifestyle” looks to be becoming something of a phenomenon. I’ve always had a fascination with everything anal. I think my first fantasies were about anal rather than vaginal sex, which has never done anything for me at all. Which has made life complicated at times as you can guess. It feels good to be part of something/belonging. Please don’t stop posting positive stories and the truth about anal!

I’m right with you on my first fantasies being about anal rather than vaginal. When I first viewed porn, I was completely turned off by vulvas and vaginas—but not by women in general. I don’t recall when I began watching anal porn primarily instead to avoid viewing vaginal penetration, but it must have been quite early on, because I hardly remember a time when I wasn’t predominantly attracted to anal porn and anal sex.

Message: So Many Anal Only People Coming Forward

analk1ngI find it interesting that different people are coming forward saying how that anal not only is a natural thing to do, or want to do, but actually looks and feels more natural than vaginal which has always been more or less in line with my thoughts on the subject. I look forward to more discussion on this topic. Could it be just the lack or platform for “anal only” meant these feelings just haven’t been shared previously?

I really think that’s the case. It can be hard to admit things if you aren’t aware that other people share your opinion. A lot of people think they’re supposed to prefer vaginal sex, because it’s “normal” and biologically intended for reproduction. But the thing is, we as a species rarely have sex for reproductive purposes, we’re doing it purely for pleasure and intimacy, so that argument in favor of vaginal sex is irrelevant and shouldn’t be used. As more people recognize this, and as more open discussion is had on the subject, in a tolerant and safe environment for people to admit their preferences, I think the truth will come out and even more people will admit their preference for anal sex.

Message: Anal Looks More Natural

This post refers to a gif that is no longer part of this blog. It illustrated the contrast between an empty vagina and a full anus as something very visually stimulating and natural looking.

Anonymous: Wow that latest gif is hot. Not only that…but others agree that anal looks like the way sex should be between a guy and a girl – “natural” as you called it. I’ve always kept that thought to myself till now. Liking the blog so much.