Category: Meta

Posts about the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and community itself, rather than the concept of anal only.

Make Your Plans for No Pussy November 2020!

It’s nearly the best time of the year again—after eight years in a row, No Pussy November still remains our flagship month each year to celebrate anal sex, the anal only lifestyle, and to encourage new people who aren’t yet anal only to challenge themselves to trying it for a solid month and seeing what it’s like.

If you’re new to the anal only lifestyle and you want to give it a try, this is a great time and way to do it! Talk with your partner now in advance of November and make sure you’re both on board with the idea, or if you’re single and want to try it with toys, get yourself to the point where you’re comfortable with anal masturbation on a regular basis—at least 3 to 5 times a week, if not every day.

If you’re already anal only, there are plenty of other things that you can try as a No Pussy November challenge this year!

  • If you still use clitoral stimulation, you can challenge yourself to stop and focus purely on anal pleasure and anal orgasms. The more you go without your clit and rely on anal only to orgasm, the easier anal orgasms get!
  • If you aren’t wearing a butt plug regularly, you can challenge yourself to wear one at some increased interval, or to spend the entire month plugged as often as possible. If you want to reach the latter goal but aren’t quite there yet, you could work yourself up to that point over the course of the month.
  • You can challenge yourself to make ass to mouth a regular part of your sex life, normalizing it by doing it every time you have sex this November.
  • You can start to introduce double anal to your sex life, either through play with two dildos, a partner and a dildo, or two partners.

Along the lines of that latter idea, for those who are particularly interested or experienced with double anal, we’re introducing an official advanced challenge this year: Double Anal Only November, where those who want to or are able to masturbate regularly with two dildos in their ass or have double anal sex regularly spend the entire month only having double anal sex every time they have sex. Naturally, this is going to be somewhat limited to people who have multiple partners who want to have double anal with them, but you can also participate by always using a toy along with their partner to achieve double anal, or by masturbating with a minimum of two toys in your ass at a time.

What are your plans? Let us know!

Message: Sending New Messages

Rhys: First up, thanks for the great work! I drop by most days (and practice what you preach..)
I just wanted to let you know that when viewed on a smartphone there is no obvious way to send a new message other than commenting on a post.
If you disagree I’ll be happy to send you a screenshot.
This may explain why you don’t get much reader feedback?
Perhaps you could engineer a more prominent button for messages?
Otherwise, good luck with it!

There’s actually a row of links under the blog title at the top of each page, which includes an “Ask” link. It could perhaps be renamed or made more prominent with a color.

Questions and Stories Always Welcome & Encouraged

Hello to all the many readers of this blog—for the past 3 months, we’ve been consistently around 600 people visiting the blog each day, and I’m grateful to all of you for being interested in checking in regularly and viewing the content I write, respond to, and curate multiple times a week. This blog is a labor of love, and it’s been active since early 2013.

While we do get messages and comments from readers from time to time, there are clearly many of you out there who are not reaching out as you read the blog. But I’d like to see that change—I’d like to hear from all of you about your anal and AO stories, experiences, dreams, goals, concerns, and questions. Don’t be shy—send a message! It can be anonymous if you want.

Consistently, readers of this blog have said that hearing other people’s experiences is the most interesting content here and what they want to hear most, so don’t think that your story is uninteresting—it’s a real life experience, and that’s what we all want to hear. People who are curious about going anal only but haven’t done so yet want to hear from other people who have about what it’s like, and those experiences are more often than not what get them to try it too.

And if you’d like to help support the blog in other ways, you can always become a Patron or buy the eBook version of our Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle!

Don’t Forget: Our Guide is an Ebook

If you’ve followed us for a while, you’re probably familiar with our Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle, which has been a part of this website for the past year since moving off Tumblr.

It’s always going to be a freely available resource as part of this blog for those who want to learn more about anal sex and the anal only lifestyle, but I’m happy to announce that you can also purchase it in an ebook format through Amazon as well, if that’s how you prefer to do your reading!

It can be a good resource if you’re just getting started, and it can make a good gift for friends who might be interested in anal or going anal only. Either way, it helps support this blog and the greater anal only community.

And, if you’re looking for another way to support the anal only community, consider becoming a Patron!

Your Messages Are Welcomed

As a reminder to our readers, we always welcome your messages, questions, stories, and more. If you have anything that you would like to share or ask on this blog, please send us a message!

It doesn’t matter if it’s been asked before, or if you think your story isn’t interesting—we, and our readers, love hearing from you and want everyone to feel comfortable reaching out and sharing. It helps build this community, and encourages more people to step out of the shadows and share their own stories. And the more people there are openly talking about their love for anal only, the more it inspires others to feel comfortable trying it for themselves.

So don’t hesitate to contact us and share your anal only experiences, goals, dreams, questions or concerns.

How You Can Help Spread the Anal Only Lifestyle

The anal only lifestyle has grown organically over the past decade, starting its organized discussion online with several blogs and growing into the larger community that exists today across multiple platforms, and with many individual anal only people sharing their experiences on their own blogs and other non-anal only communities. Anal only is starting to become less niche and bleed into other groups and see more widespread adoption. Still, if we want it to become far more of the norm and a mainstream thing for the average person to adopt, we still have a long way to go to reach everyone and encourage and guide them towards trying and embracing a life of pure anal sex. Here are some ideas on how you can help!

Post About it Online

There are lots of ways you can share your own experiences and desires about anal sex and the anal only lifestyle, and providing many different voices and perspectives on this across a wide variety of platforms not only helps people in similar situations relate to your story and feel less alone in their own experiences, it ensures that the anal only lifestyle and positive discussion about anal sex reaches a broader audience.

  • Join the Anal Only Lifestyle forum, Discord server and subreddit, and talk with other like-minded people
  • Share your story or ask questions right here on the Anal Only Lifestyle blog
  • Create a blog on Bdsmlr, which has taken over from Tumblr as the premier sex and porn microblogging platform for sharing and expressing and exploring one’s sexuality and kinks, and which has a small but growing anal only community forming
  • Start and join discussions about anal sex and the anal only lifestyle on other platforms, including Twitter (here’s a Twitter search that helps find existing discussions about preferring anal or going anal only), Fetlife, HipForums, Reddit, Quora, and any other platform that has discussions about sex and anal. Share your own experiences, and help spread anal positivity and the concept of going anal only and its advantages.

Support Anal Only Porn

There are certain porn producers out there which focus much more on anal porn and produce 100% anal only scenes, at least some of the time. There are also a number of “amateur” content creators who post directly to places like PornHub or ManyVids and produce and sell their own content, often primarily or exclusively anal only. If you’re able, financially support the production of anal only porn by paying for that content and encouraging them to continue focusing on pure anal.

Tell Your Friends

If you’re comfortable talking about sex with your friends, tell them about loving anal and being anal only, and how much you like it and what its benefits are for you, then if they show interest in it, encourage and help them to go anal only too. Provide them with resources like our Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle, dispel any concerns they have, and give them any advice of your own that you have on enjoying anal and the process of first going anal only. Challenge them to try it for a month or two, whether as part of Anal Only April or No Pussy November each year, or just on their own, and support them during that challenge period so they have the best possible experience and will want to stick with it afterwards.

Be Open When Dating About Only Doing Anal

If you’re single and dating, be sure to be honest with new partners about your anal only status or interest and that you aren’t interested in having vaginal sex, only anal. It may eliminate some uninterested potential partners, but it’s worth talking about it early on so that you figure out if you’re compatible before ending up in a relationship and being sexually frustrated the whole time.

If you’re hooking up with someone, tell them right up front that you only do anal. If you’re trying to date for a long term relationship, hold off to talk about anal only until you would normally start talking about sex, and get to know them as a person a bit first. But make it an early part of your sexual conversation.

Support the Anal Only Lifestyle Community

A large part of the Anal Only Lifestyle community online is managed by just one person, yours truly, and it takes quite a bit of time and effort (and some money, too) to keep things all running and updated with fresh content for everyone to enjoy and be inspired by.

  • This blog posts every one to two days, depending on my time and availability, and the availability of content. In addition to writing original posts once a week, I answer people’s submitted questions and shared stories, and search the internet for other interesting anal and anal only-related content to share. It can be hard to find enough content to fill the space sometimes, especially during periods when not many people are submitting their own stories and questions to share on the blog, so this can be time consuming.
  • I run multiple anal only blogs on Bdsmlr, after transferring all said blogs off Tumblr. These blogs post between 1 and 6 times a day, and I keep their queues filled with original and reblogged content and captions to inspire and arouse people, with varying anal only-related themes.
  • I maintain and moderate the Anal Only Lifestyle forum, Discord server, and subreddit. We also have a small team of other moderators on the forum and Discord who are a great help.

I also have a full time job that often requires me to be unavailable and offline for extended lengths of time, so content on the blogs—this one included—are queued up in advance so that the schedule continues uninterrupted for everyone to keep reading and then I update and shuffle things around to answer people’s questions more quickly rather than simply adding onto the end of the queue when I’m able while away for work.

As such, if you’re able to help in one of various ways, your support is greatly appreciated.

  • You can buy the Amazon ebook version of our Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle and help support us financially with a simple purchase that provides you with a nice reference with a lot of useful information about having anal sex and going anal only.
  • You can join our Patreon and provide a small monthly financial contribution to support the continuing development of this community and ongoing creation and sharing of content for your enjoyment and that of others.
  • You can share interesting articles, posts, and discussions that you find online, ask questions to be answered publicly on this blog, write guest articles, or otherwise help provide content to be added to the blog queue, through our Ask and Submit page.

Thanks to everyone for reading, sharing, and helping support the anal only lifestyle in whatever way you’re able.

Anal Only April 2020 Is Over

Craving something new? Why not go anal only for a whole month? Challenge yourself to Anal Only April.

It’s always a sad day when one of our anal only challenge months ends, because they can tend to be a whirlwind of fun activity as everyone gets involved and builds off each other’s enthusiasm for sexual exploration and the anal only lifestyle to all support and encourage each other to go anal only together, but it’s also a time for celebration for all those who made it through a month of anal only and came out the other side no doubt improved in various ways.

If you’ve stayed anal only all month and found yourself really enjoying it and not especially missing vaginal sex, don’t let this be the end. Keep the streak going, see how far you make it, or even just commit to long term anal only if you feel that’s what you now want. If a month of anal only feels great, think of how amazing two or three months, six months, or a year and beyond will feel! It just keeps getting better.

If you are just discovering this now, or haven’t have a chance to try it yet, it’s not too late to get started! You can start your own month-long anal only challenge at any time!

Don’t forget to check in with us now that the month is over and let us know how your Anal Only April went, what your experiences were, what you learned, and whether you plan on continuing with long-term anal only going forward!

Message: When Is It Appropriate to Identify as Anal Only?

Anonymous: Hey, is it normal to identify as anal only at under 18? I discovered anal sex before I turned 18 and I fell in love with it immediately. However, I had to wait until I turned 18 in order to use the websites for it like the forum.

This website, the forum, the chat, and the rest of the anal only lifestyle is intended for use by adults over the age of 18. Many people are sexually active before that age, and discover their own preferences and interests before they turn 18, but the communities where people interact and discuss such topics are restricted to adults only to help protect people from being harmed or exploited by others when they’re at an age with less experience and ability to protect themselves.

It’s appropriate for a person to identify however they like, whenever they’re ready to identify that way, but regardless, this community is for adults only.

We’re Halfway Through Anal Only April 2020

Craving something new? Why not go anal only for a whole month? Challenge yourself to Anal Only April.

We’re now halfway through Anal Only April, our annual event encouraging people to try going anal only for a whole month to experience what it’s really like to do just anal long-term and discover the benefits of doing so for them.

If you are just discovering this now, or haven’t have a chance to try it yet, it’s not too late to get started! You can either plan on taking part in the next two weeks until the end of April, or you can just get started on a full month right now!

If you have been taking part, don’t forget to check in and let us know how things are going. Updates, questions, and requests for advice are all always welcome from anyone and everyone.