The Use of Chastity Devices in the Anal Only Lifestyle
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While most people practicing the anal only lifestyle simply do so by forgoing non-anal sexual activity, whether through willpower and self control, or because they simply have no interest in other forms of penetration or stimulation, some find that they really like the idea of being anal only but have a hard time putting it into practice or resisting old urges—a sort of the mind is willing but the flesh is weak situation.
In those circumstances, it can be beneficial to use some form of physical chastity device to prevent undesired stimulation of the vagina, clitoris, or penis. This article will go into detail about the various types of chastity and options available.
Vaginal Chastity
For women with a long history of vaginal sex who are trying to make the shift towards an anal focus, or simply someone just getting started with the anal only lifestyle, it can be hard to resist the urges that your body gets based on what you’re used to receiving as sexual stimulation. Even if you know that anal is what you want, and that it can provide you more pleasure and sexual enjoyment, it can take some time for old habits to fade. The use of physical chastity can help you get through this period until you have a more solid foundation to build your anal only lifestyle upon.
Backless Panties
This is so simple that it’s almost hard to call it a chastity device, but it is in some ways a very simple one. Backless panties leave the front covered but the back open, so you can easily access your anus while leaving your vagina and clitoris covered by the underwear. By wearing this while masturbating or having sex, you can help shift the association of sex away from your vagina and keep it on your ass instead. The presence of the fabric blocking access to your vagina and clit will quickly remind you anytime you feel an urge or want to touch it that you don’t do that anymore and let you shift back to anal pleasure.
A slightly more active form of chastity, this is still quite simple: you apply a piece of durable tape—whether medical or some form of duct tape—directly over the vagina to keep it completely sealed and blocked off during sexual activities. This doesn’t last particularly long, as vaginal juices and sweat will degrade the adhesive before long, but it can be the perfect solution for a masturbation session where you don’t want to give in to temptation, or a night out meeting new people where you don’t want to risk someone unknowingly going for vaginal penetration. A taped-off pussy quickly sends the message that it’s off limits, especially if paired with a butt plug.
This does require maintaining a good hair removal regimen, however, as you need to be completely hairless for it to work effectively and to be able to remove it cleanly after.
Superglue and various similar body-safe equivalents (including eyelash glue) can be used to glue your labia together, temporarily sealing off access to your vagina. This usually lasts from a few hours to a couple days, depending on the strength of the glue and a combination of sweat and vaginal juices degrading the adhesive. Always be sure to test it on a small area only first, and if you decide to go ahead with your entire labia, leave gaps between glued sections in order to be able to urinate. Do not glue your urethra.
Chastity Belts

These are products, usually made of metal or leather, designed to be worn around your waist and over your vagina, with vents for air to get in and urine to get out, as well as a gap for your anus to allow both for bodily functions and anal penetration. There are many options out there, but due to the wide variety of body shapes and sizes, most people are going to need to have one custom made if the goal is to wear it long-term. If intermittent wear is your goal, you may be able to find a premade device that works for you.
Chastity Piercings
This involves getting a series of pairs of labia piercings which can be linked together either by putting a single ring or barbell through each pair for a more “permanent” closure, or by having rings in each which you thread with ribbons for a more decorative or temporary closure. There are many different options and varieties of chastity piercing and closure method out there, so be sure to research what you prefer and talk to a professional piercer about the options available to you and the process involved.
Vaginal Infibulation or Obliteration
Vaginal infibulation is the act of cutting or scarring both labia and then sewing them together so they heal back together in one piece, leaving a small hole at the bottom for urination and menstruation. Done properly, this can be safe to do, but it’s essential to leave enough room for bodily functions to continue unimpeded. It will be difficult to achieve in most western countries due to the association with nonconsensual female genital mutilation.
Vaginal obliteration is a medical procedure where the vaginal passage itself is removed completely, leaving at most a 1″ depth decorative hole remaining between the labia, most commonly done out of necessity due to several medical conditions for older women. If the uterus remains intact, a small passage remains at the end of the nonfunctional vagina to connect to it, otherwise a hysterectomy may be part of the procedure. It is unlikely someone would be able to elect to have this done without medical necessity.
Clitoral Chastity
There are some who have no desire for or no issue with avoiding vaginal penetration but who for various reasons want to avoid clitoral stimulation and clitoral orgasms, and struggle with doing so. The use of total vaginal chastity options as shown above can be an option in these circumstances, but there are other options available as well.
Short-Term Clit Numbing With Topical Anesthetic
One of the most popular forms of temporary clitoral chastity, the use of Orajel and similar over-the-counter topical anesthetic creams and gels can provide a quick and easy solution to eliminating clit sensation for an hour or two at a time. You can purchase such creams at most any pharmacy for a few dollars and rub a small dab into your clit. After a few minutes, you should start to feel the sensation going away. You don’t need much, so don’t overdo it.
Long-Term Clit Numbing With Botox Injections
An option used by women with overactive clits who have negative impact to their life from the distraction of their clit, this may also be an option for those who don’t want the temptation of clitoral stimulation. On average, this can last 3 to 6 months at a time and significantly reduce or remove clitoral sensation during that time. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of getting it done.
Clit Shields & Piercings
Combined with a pair of piercings above and below your clit, a clit shield is a metal plate or piece of jewelry that attaches to the piercings and physically blocks direct access to your clit. These come in a variety of styles, but all serve the same basic purpose. They are not foolproof, but their semi-permanent nature and the physical block they provide serves as a good deterrent and reminder not to touch. Talk with a local piercer to see your options for this.
By far the most extreme option for clitoral chastity is the physical removal of your clitoris. While this will not interest many people, nor should anyone ever feel obligated to do such a thing without it being exactly what they want for themselves, it is an option that appeals to some women. Those who have done it report being very happy with the results and that their sexual focus and arousal shifts completely to anal afterwards, with most or all sensation disappearing from their clitoris and vagina. Finding a medical professional willing to do such an elective surgery is quite difficult in the western world due to the conflation of consensual acts like this with the horrible and nonconsensual act of unwanted genital modification or mutilation, which should never be allowed or tolerated.
Penile Chastity
A growing number of men and transwomen are interested in the anal only lifestyle as well, as anal receivers. In their case, rather than avoiding penetration of a different hole, they tend to want to exclude penis stimulation, whether simply as part of the anal only lifestyle or as part of any associated body dysmorphia as part of being transgender. Physical chastity can be a way of self-enforcing that desire.
Chastity Cages

A wide variety of chastity options are available for penises, most notably the self-contained chastity cage, which is a multi-piece device with a portion that fits behind the testicles and another that fits over the penis itself, connecting together to remain in place. These can take some getting used to for those who wear them, as penises tend to naturally become erect throughout the day and night, and they are physically prevented from doing so with such a device, which can cause pain or discomfort until your body adjusts to being in chastity and you stop unintentionally becoming erect.
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