Message: No Intention of Going Back to Vaginal
Anonymous: Easter anon again. At the beginning of April as I said I was looking forward to doing vaginal again, I said to myself as soon as May rolled around my pussy would get some attention. Now we’re in May and we haven’t even talked about vaginal. I don’t know why, even though I haven’t had an actual orgasm since, well, March, I’ve enjoyed this past month so much it’s just more appealing now whether I can orgasm from it or not. For now at least we have no intention of going back to vaginal.
Congratulations! I think that’s a great decision to not return to vaginal. As you’ve discovered, it’s a lot more enjoyable to be anal only, and anal is a lot better even without orgasms than vaginal with. After all, there’s a reason so many people keep going anal only—it’s not just a kink or a fetish, there really are reasons and advantages to doing so and once you get enough into the routine you really tend to not want to stop and go back to the way things were with vaginal. Enjoy! It just keeps getting better from here.